Class PMMLModelSpec

    • Constructor Detail

      • PMMLModelSpec

        public PMMLModelSpec​(RecordTokenType inputType,
                             List<String> learningCols,
                             List<String> targetCols)
        Creates a PMMLModelSpec for the given input
        inputType - the input type being learned
        learningCols - the learning columns (i.e. independent variables)
        targetCols - the target columns (i.e. dependent variables)
    • Method Detail

      • forAll

        public static PMMLModelSpec forAll​(RecordTokenType inputType,
                                           String... targetColumns)
        Convenience method to create a model spec where the learning columns are all input columns minus the target columns
        inputType - the full input type
        targetColumns - the target columns
        a new model spec
      • forSelected

        public static PMMLModelSpec forSelected​(RecordTokenType inputType,
                                                List<String> selectedColumns,
                                                String... targetColumns)
        Convenience method to create a model spec where the learning columns are the specified selected columns minus the set of target columns.
        inputType - the input type
        selectedColumns - the selected columns. If null or empty the learning columns are all columns minus the target columns. If non-empty the learning columns are selected columns minus the target columns.
        targetColumns - the target columns
        a PMMLModelSpec
      • getInputType

        public RecordTokenType getInputType()
        Returns the input type for which we are constructing a model
        the input type for which we are constructing a model
      • getLearningCols

        public List<String> getLearningCols()
        Returns the learning columns (i.e. independent variables)
        the learning columns
      • getTargetCols

        public List<String> getTargetCols()
        Returns the target columns (i.e. dependent variables)
        the target columns
      • getTargetType

        public RecordTokenType getTargetType()
        Returns the target type. This is the target columns selected from the input type.
        the target type