Class PredictiveModelQuality

  • public class PredictiveModelQuality
    extends ModelQuality
    A PMML object model for some of the metadata about a predictive (usually regression) model's quality.
    • Field Detail

      • ELEM_THIS

        protected static final String ELEM_THIS
        Constant for the name of the PredictiveModelQuality element.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • PredictiveModelQuality

        public PredictiveModelQuality()
        Default constructor for bean-like behavior
    • Method Detail

      • toPMML

        public void toPMML​(Element parent)
        Description copied from class: ModelQuality
        Build this ModelQuality as a PMML element with a given parent
        Specified by:
        toPMML in class ModelQuality
        parent - the future parent of the element
      • parse

        protected void parse​(Element toParse)
        Description copied from class: ModelQuality
        Initialize this object's state from a PMML element with the appropriate type
        Specified by:
        parse in class ModelQuality
        toParse - The element with the state
      • getR_squared

        public Double getR_squared()
        Get the r-squared attribute, a measure of the amount of variance in the target variable explained by a model. It ranges from 0.0 (the model explains nothing) to 1.0 (the model is a perfect predictor).
        the "r-squared" attribute for the model, or null if it is not included.
      • getMeanAbsoluteError

        public Double getMeanAbsoluteError()
        Get the meanAbsoluteError, the mean of the absolute values of the predictive errors on that dataset.
        the "meanAbsoluteError" attribute for the model, or null if it is not included.
      • getRootMeanSquaredError

        public Double getRootMeanSquaredError()
        Get the rootMeanSquaredError, the square root of the mean of the squares of the predictive errors on the dataset.
        the "rootMeanSquaredError" attribute for the model, or null if it is not included.
      • getAIC

        public Double getAIC()
        Get the Akaike Information Criterion, a measure of the relative goodness of fit of a statistical model.
        the "AIC" attribute for the model, or null if it is not included.
      • getBIC

        public Double getBIC()
        Get the Bayesian Information Criterion, a measure of the relative goodness of fit of a statistical model which penalizes the number of parameters more strongly than AIC.
        the "BIC" attribute for the model, or null if it is not included.
      • getDegreesOfFreedom

        public Integer getDegreesOfFreedom()
        Get the Degrees of Freedom of the error of the model
        the "degreesOfFreedom" attribute for the model, or null if it is not included.
      • getMeanSquaredError

        public Double getMeanSquaredError()
        Get the Mean Squared Error, the mean of the squares of the predictive errors on that dataset.
        the "meanSquaredeError" attribute for the model-quality element, or null if it is not included.
      • getSumSquaredError

        public Double getSumSquaredError()
        Get the Sum Of Squares (Error) statistic.
        the "sumSquaredError" attribute for the model-quality element, or null if it is not included.
      • getSumSquaredRegression

        public Double getSumSquaredRegression()
        Get the Sum Of Squares (Regression) statistic.
        the "sumSquaredRegression" attribute for the model-quality element, or null if it is not included.
      • getDataUsage

        public PredictiveModelQuality.Usage getDataUsage()
        Get the dataUsage, the relationship between the model and the dataset used to measure its quality. It indicates the phase of model-building during which the model was first exposed to data from that set.
        the "dataUsage" attribute for the model-quality element.
      • getTargetField

        public String getTargetField()
        Get the predicted field on which the quality information was measured.
        the "dataUsage" attribute for the model-quality element.
      • hasExtensionStatistic

        public boolean hasExtensionStatistic​(String name)
        Check whether a certain statistic is available as an extension
        name - The name of the statistic to check
        true iff the statistic is present and available.
      • getExtensionStatistic

        public double getExtensionStatistic​(String name)
        Retrieve a statistic about the model that is not directly supported by PMML
        name - the extension statistic to check
        the value of the named extension statistic, or Double.NaN if the extension is not present.
      • getExtensionStatisticNames

        public Set<String> getExtensionStatisticNames()
        a collection of Strings which, when passed to hasExtensionStatistic, return true
      • setTargetField

        public void setTargetField​(String targetField)
        Sets the "targetField" attribute for the model.
        targetField - the "targetField" attribute for the model.
      • setR_squared

        public void setR_squared​(Double r_squared)
        Sets the "r-squared" attribute for the model. If null, the attribute will be absent.
        r_squared - the "r-squared" attribute for the model.
      • setMeanAbsoluteError

        public void setMeanAbsoluteError​(Double meanAbsoluteError)
        Sets the "meanAbsoluteError" attribute for the model. If null, the attribute will be absent.
        meanAbsoluteError - the "meanAbsoluteError" attribute for the model.
      • setMeanSquaredError

        public void setMeanSquaredError​(Double meanSquaredError)
        Sets the "meanSquaredError" attribute for the model. If null, the attribute will be absent.
        meanSquaredError - the "meanSquaredError" attribute for the model.
      • setRootMeanSquaredError

        public void setRootMeanSquaredError​(Double rootMeanSquaredError)
      • setAIC

        public void setAIC​(Double AIC)
      • setBIC

        public void setBIC​(Double BIC)
      • setDegreesOfFreedom

        public void setDegreesOfFreedom​(Integer degreesOfFreedom)
      • setSumSquaredError

        public void setSumSquaredError​(Double sumSquaredError)
      • setSumSquaredRegression

        public void setSumSquaredRegression​(Double sumSquaredRegression)
      • setDataUsage

        public void setDataUsage​(PredictiveModelQuality.Usage dataUsage)
        Sets the "dataUsage" attribute for the model. If null, the attribute will be set to "training", the default.
        dataUsage - the "dataUsage" attribute for the model.
      • setExtensionStatistic

        public void setExtensionStatistic​(String name,
                                          double value)
        Sets the value of an attribute not directly supported by PMML. It will appear as an Extension element instead of as an attribute.
        name - the "name" attribute of the extension
        value - the "value" attribute of the extension