Class ModelQuality

    • Field Detail


        protected static final String ATT_DATA_NAME
        The name of the "dataName" PMML attribute corresponding to getDataName()
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelQuality

        public ModelQuality()
    • Method Detail

      • toPMML

        public abstract void toPMML​(Element parent)
        Build this ModelQuality as a PMML element with a given parent
        parent - the future parent of the element
      • smartParse

        public static ModelQuality smartParse​(Element toParse)
        toParse - an element corresponding to a model quality 'choice' element.
        a ModelQuality of an appropriate subclass, or null if the element is not of a supported type of ModelQuality.
      • setDataName

        public void setDataName​(String dataName)
        Record a label for the source dataset used to calculate the model quality information.
        dataName -
      • getDataName

        public String getDataName()
        a label for the source dataset used to calculate the model quality information, or null if it's unknown or unavailable.
      • parse

        protected abstract void parse​(Element toParse)
        Initialize this object's state from a PMML element with the appropriate type
        toParse - The element with the state
        InvalidPMMLException - if toParse is not legal PMML or of the wrong type
        UnsupportedPMMLException - (optionally) if toParse specifies an unsupported kind of sub-element