Class AbstractContinuousStatistics<T extends Number & Comparable<? super T>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractContinuousStatistics

        public AbstractContinuousStatistics()
    • Method Detail

      • setIntervalCounts

        public void setIntervalCounts​(Map<Interval<T>,​AbstractContinuousStatistics.IntervalCounts<T>> intMap)
        Sets a mapping from interval to the counts for the given interval.
        intMap - a mapping from interval to the counts for the given interval.
      • getTotalValuesSum

        public T getTotalValuesSum()
        Returns the sum of the values of the field.
        the sum of the values of the field.
      • setTotalValuesSum

        public void setTotalValuesSum​(T totalValuesSum)
        Sets the sum of the values of the field
        totalValuesSum - the sum of the values of the field.
      • getTotalSquaresSum

        public T getTotalSquaresSum()
        Returns the sum of the squares of the values of the field.
        the sum of the squares of the values of the field.
      • setTotalSquaresSum

        public void setTotalSquaresSum​(T totalSquaresSum)
        Sets the sum of the squares of the values of the field.
        totalSquaresSum - the sum of the squares of the values of the field.
      • getNumericType

        public Class<?> getNumericType()