Class AbstractNumericInfo<T extends Number & Comparable<? super T>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractNumericInfo

        public AbstractNumericInfo()
    • Method Detail

      • getMin

        public T getMin()
        Return the minimum value for this field. This corresponds to the "minimum" attribute.
        the minimum value
      • setMin

        public void setMin​(T min)
        Sets the minimum value for this field. This corresponds to the "minimum" attribute.
        min - the minimum value
      • getMax

        public T getMax()
        Return the maximum value for this field. This corresponds to the "maximum" attribute.
        the maximum value
      • setMax

        public void setMax​(T max)
        Sets the maximum value for this field. This corresponds to the "maximum" attribute.
        max - the maximum value
      • getMean

        public T getMean()
        Returns the mean value for this field. This corresponds to the "mean" attribute.
        the mean value for this field
      • setMean

        public void setMean​(T mean)
        Sets the mean value for this field. This corresponds to the "mean" attribute.
        mean - the mean value for this field
      • getStddev

        public T getStddev()
        Return the standard deviation of values for this field. This corresponds to the "standardDeviation" attribute.
        the standard deviation of values for this field
      • setStddev

        public void setStddev​(T stddev)
        Sets the standard deviation of values for this field. This corresponds to the "standardDeviation" attribute.
        stddev - the standard deviation of values for this field
      • getMedian

        public T getMedian()
        Returns the median of values for this field. This corresponds to the "median" attribute.
        the median of values for this field
      • setMedian

        public void setMedian​(T median)
        Sets the median of values for this field. This corresponds to the "median" attribute.
        median - the median of values for this field
      • getInterQuartileRange

        public T getInterQuartileRange()
        Returns the inter-quartile-range of this field. This corresponds to the "interQuartileRange" attribute.
        the inter-quartile-range for this field
      • setInterQuartileRange

        public void setInterQuartileRange​(T interQuartileRange)
        Sets the inter-quartile-range of this field. This corresponds to the "interQuartileRange" attribute.
        interQuartileRange - the inter-quartile-range for this field
      • getVariance

        public T getVariance()
        Return the variance of values for this field. This is a custom PMML extension.
        the variance of values for this field
      • setVariance

        public void setVariance​(T variance)
        Sets the variance of values for this field. This is a custom PMML extension.
        variance - the variance of values for this field
      • getSum

        public T getSum()
        Return the summation of values for this field. This is a custom PMML extension.
        the summation of values for this field
      • setSum

        public void setSum​(T sum)
        Sets the summation of values for this field. This is a custom PMML extension.
        sum - the summation of values for this field
      • getQuantiles

        public List<Quantile<T>> getQuantiles()
        Returns the quantiles of this field. This returns the values of the Quantile sub-element.
        the quantiles of this field
      • setQuantiles

        public void setQuantiles​(List<Quantile<T>> quantiles)
        Sets the quantiles of this field. This sets the values of the Quantile sub-element.
        quantiles - the quantiles of this field
      • getNumericType

        public Class<?> getNumericType()
        Gets the generic type of this class.
        the type of this class