Class PMMLSummaryStatisticsModel

  • public final class PMMLSummaryStatisticsModel
    extends PMMLModel
    PMML ModelStats. Object representation of the standard PMML ModelStats defined here.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PMMLSummaryStatisticsModel

        public PMMLSummaryStatisticsModel​(PMMLModelSpec modelSpec)
        Create a PMMLSummaryStatisticsModel for the given spec.
        modelSpec - The PMMLModelSpec
      • PMMLSummaryStatisticsModel

        public PMMLSummaryStatisticsModel​(Document document)
        Create a PMMLSummaryStatisticsModel, initialized to the contents of the given PMML document.
        document - The PMML document.
    • Method Detail

      • getFieldStats

        public UnivariateStats getFieldStats​(String fieldName)
        Returns the UnivariateStats element for the given field
        fieldName - the name of the field
        the UnivariateStats element for the given field
      • getFieldStatsMap

        public Map<String,​UnivariateStats> getFieldStatsMap()
        Returns the mapping of UnivariateStats elements. The keys in the map are field names. The values in the map are UnivariateStats for the given field.
        the mapping of UnivariateStats elements
      • getTotalStatsMap

        public Map<String,​Long> getTotalStatsMap()
        Returns a mapping of the total counts for the fields. The keys in the map are the field names. The values in the map are the total counts for the given field.
        the mapping of total statistics
      • getBivariateStats

        public BivariateStats getBivariateStats()
        Returns the bivariate statistics for this model
        the bivariate statistics
      • setBivariateStats

        public void setBivariateStats​(BivariateStats bivariateStats)
        Set the bivariate statistics for this model
        bivariateStats - the bivariate statistics
      • getModelElementName

        protected String getModelElementName()
        Description copied from class: PMMLModel
        Return the element name of the primary model element associated with this PMML
        Specified by:
        getModelElementName in class PMMLModel
        the element name of the primary model element
      • buildModelElement

        protected void buildModelElement​(Element modelElement)
        Description copied from class: PMMLModel
        Subclasses must implement this method to fill-in the contents of the model element. At the time this method is invoked, the element will have its name and MiningSchema sub-element populated.
        Specified by:
        buildModelElement in class PMMLModel
        modelElement - the model element
      • parseModelElement

        protected void parseModelElement​(Element modelElement)
        Description copied from class: PMMLModel
        Parse the given model element into the respective model object.
        Specified by:
        parseModelElement in class PMMLModel
        modelElement - root element of model object
      • findModelElement

        protected Element findModelElement​(Document document)
        Description copied from class: PMMLModel
        Subclasses that require custom selection of their model element should override this method. By default, we find the first element that matches the model element name. In general the default implementation is sufficient; this is primarily intended for PMMLModels whose model element is a PMML extension.
        findModelElement in class PMMLModel
        document - The PMML document.
        The model element.
      • addFieldStats

        public void addFieldStats​(UnivariateStats fieldStats)
      • addTotalStat

        public void addTotalStat​(String name,
                                 Long count)