Class WordMap

  • public class WordMap
    extends NGramMap
    Implementation of a word frequency model.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WordMap

        public WordMap()
        Default constructor of an empty word map.
      • WordMap

        public WordMap​(Map<String,​Integer> map)
        Create a word to frequency map.
        map - the mappings to use
      • WordMap

        public WordMap​(Map<String,​Integer> map,
                       int textSize)
        Create a word to frequency map.
        map - the mappings to use
        textSize - the number of elements in the original text
      • WordMap

        public WordMap​(WordMap map)
        Copy a word to frequency map.
        map - the word map to copy
      • WordMap

        public WordMap​(NGramMap map)
        Convert a valid NGramMap into a word map. A valid map has an N of one. If the NGramMap is invalid the WordMap will remain empty.
        map - the n-gram map to convert
    • Method Detail

      • getWordList

        public List<String> getWordList()
        Get an ordered list of the words contained in the map.
        the list of words
      • getFrequency

        public int getFrequency​(String word)
        Get the absolute frequency of a word in the map.
        word - the word to get the frequency of
        the absolute frequency of the word
      • getProbability

        public double getProbability​(String word)
        Get the relative frequency of a word in the map. If OrigTextSize has not been set will calculate based on the current map.
        word - the word to get the frequency of
        the relative frequency of the word
      • increaseFreq

        public boolean increaseFreq​(String word)
        Adds a word to the map or increases the frequency if it is already present.
        word - element to increase the frequency of in the map
        true if word is valid and could be incremented
      • decreaseFreq

        public boolean decreaseFreq​(String word)
        Removes a word from the map or decrease the frequency if the absolute frequency is greater than one.
        word - element to decrease the frequency of in the map
        true if word is valid and could be decremented
      • removeWord

        public int removeWord​(String word)
        Removes a word from the map.
        word - element to remove from the map
        the frequency previously associated with the word or null
      • getStringMap

        public Map<String,​Integer> getStringMap()
        Get a copy of the map that backs this object.
        map of Strings to Integers