Class ExecutionOptions

  • public final class ExecutionOptions
    extends Object
    Miscellaneous execution options.
    • Field Detail

      • WORKER

        public static final ExecutionOptions WORKER
        Default execution options: parallel/distributed, retry disabled
      • MASTER

        public static final ExecutionOptions MASTER
        Execution options to run in the master. Non parallel and no retries. Runs locally, within the same JVM that submitted.
    • Method Detail

      • maxRetries

        public int maxRetries()
        Returns the maximum number of times a part of a job can fail before we give up.
        the max retries
      • maxRetries

        public ExecutionOptions maxRetries​(int maxRetries)
        Creates a new ExecutionOptions, with the maximum retries set to the specified value
        maxRetries - the max retries
        a new ExecutionOptions
      • maxParallelism

        public int maxParallelism()
        Returns the max parallelism.
        the max parallelism
      • maxParallelism

        public ExecutionOptions maxParallelism​(int maxParallelism)
        Creates a new ExecutionOptions, with the maximum parallelism set to the specified value
        maxRetries - the max retries
        a new ExecutionOptions
      • worker

        public boolean worker()
        Returns whether this is for a worker.
        whether this is for a worker
      • isFaultTolerant

        public boolean isFaultTolerant()
        Returns true if the number of retries is greater than zero.
        whether we are fault tolerant