Interface JobExecutorService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:, YarnClusterJobExecutor

    public interface JobExecutorService
    Client-side API for submitting units of work to the job master.
    • Method Detail

      • getExternalStorageManager

        StorageManager getExternalStorageManager()
        Returns a storage manager that can be used for transfering files to/from the job. This is a non-parallel storage manager.
        the storage manager
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the job master is non-remote
      • getJobInformation

        JobInformation getJobInformation()
        Returns the job information associated with this service
        the job info
      • submit

        <T> MonitoredFuture<T> submit​(JobCallable<T> callable)
        Does the following:
        1. Starts the job master if not already started.
        2. Invokes the init method on the server side.
        3. Starts execution on the server side
        4. Returns a handle for monitoring execution
      • startShutdown

        void startShutdown​(JobStatus status)
        Asynchronously begins shutdown. Following a call to this methods, all other methods on this class will throw IllegalStateException.
        status - final status of the job