Interface StorageManager

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface StorageManager
    extends Serializable
    A manager of intermediate storage. StorageManager deletion and creation should only be performed on the client. StorageManagers can be serialized to the cluster and, within the cluster, nodes can call #getLocalStorageLocation(StorageBucketId,PartitionInstanceInfo) to determine their storage "slot" or #getRemoteStorageLocations(StorageBucketId) to find other nodes storage slots.
    • Method Detail

      • getNodeAllocationPlan

        NodeAllocationPlan getNodeAllocationPlan()
        Returns the node allocation plan associated with this storage manager
        the node allocation plan associated with this storage manager
        UnsupportedOperationException - if this is a master storage manager
      • getNumWorkers

        int getNumWorkers​(int maxParallelism)
        Returns the number of workers allocated or 0 if this is a master storage manager. The result will be capped at the specified maxParallelism.
        maxParallelism - the max parallelism
        the number of nodes allocated
      • getOtherStorageLocations

        List<Path> getOtherStorageLocations​(StorageBucketId bucketId,
                                            int maxParallelism)
        Returns storage locations for all workers up to the specified maxParallelism. Data written to these locations will be visible to individual nodes at their "my" storage locations and vice-versa. In the case where maxParallelism is 1, this returns from the master storage location.
        maxParallelism - the max parallelism
        remote storage locations
        UnsupportedOperationException - if this is a master storage manager and maxParallelism is greater than 1.
      • releaseStorage

        void releaseStorage​(FileClient client)
        Releases all storage for this storage manager
        client - the file client
      • releaseStorage

        void releaseStorage​(FileClient fileClient,
                            StoragePlanner storagePlanner)
        Releases all storage for this storage manager that was allocated by the given planner
        fileClient - the file client
        storagePlanner - the storage planner