Class NodeInformationMapping

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class NodeInformationMapping
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Contains host information associated with the nodes in the cluster that the current job is running on. Note that the information in this mapping is captured at the time the job is submitted and so contains host information for those nodes that are used by the job.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static NodeInformationMapping PSEUDO_DISTRIBUTED
        Any empty mapping that is used in the pseudo-distributed case
    • Constructor Detail

      • NodeInformationMapping

        public NodeInformationMapping​(List<NodeInformation> nodeInformation)
    • Method Detail

      • getNodeInformation

        public List<NodeInformation> getNodeInformation()
        Returns the list of node information in this map
        the list of node information
      • getNodeInformation

        public NodeInformation getNodeInformation​(String nodeID)
        Returns the node information for the given nodeID or null if the nodeID either doesn't exist or is not a node used by this job.
        nodeID - the nodeID
        the node information
      • getHostName

        public String getHostName​(String nodeID)
        Returns the host name for the given nodeID or null if the nodeID either doesn't exist or is not a node used by this job.
        nodeID - the nodeID
        the host name