Class PortRange

    • Constructor Detail

      • PortRange

        public PortRange()
        Create an empty port range.
      • PortRange

        public PortRange​(Set<Integer> rangeSet)
        Create a port range including all elements in a set.
        rangeSet - the elements of the ranges
    • Method Detail

      • createPortRange

        public static PortRange createPortRange​(String ranges)
        This method can be used to create sets containing all the possible values in a multiple partial ranges. Creates a range set from a string in the form: ::= | - | , This is useful when handling port ranges.
        ranges - a string with the required format
        a disjoint range containing all the possible values
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the number of elements in the range.
        number of elements in this range
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(int i)
        Returns true if this range contains the specified element.
        i - element to be checked for containment in this range
        true if this range contains the element
      • getRandomElement

        public Integer getRandomElement()
        Returns a random element contained by the port range or null if the range is empty.
        a random element