Class SFTPFileSystemProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • SFTPFileSystemProvider

        public SFTPFileSystemProvider()
        Creates a new provider for the SFTP file system.

        This constructor is public as a matter of implementation only. Users should not construct a provider directly, but instead use the static methods contained in FileClient and Paths.

    • Method Detail

      • isPathSupported

        public boolean isPathSupported​(String scheme)
        Description copied from interface: FileSystemProvider
        Indicates whether the given scheme is handled by the provider.
        Specified by:
        isPathSupported in interface FileSystemProvider
        scheme - an identifier for a path scheme
        true if this provider handles paths using the scheme, false otherwise.
      • getFileSystem

        public FileSystem getFileSystem​(FileClient client,
                                        FileConfiguration configuration,
                                        Path path)
        Description copied from interface: FileSystemProvider
        Gets the file system identified by the path. The path identifies a file on the file system; the file's file system is returned. This is equivalent to calling getPath(path).getFileSystem(), but may be faster.
        Specified by:
        getFileSystem in interface FileSystemProvider
        client - a file client. most implementations will ignore this parameter. "meta-filesystems" ( those than can span filesystems ) may need the file client.
        configuration - the configuration for this filesystem
        path - a path identifying a file on the file system
        the requested file system object
      • getPath

        public Path getPath​(String path)
        Description copied from interface: FileSystemProvider
        Gets the path identified by the given string. The resulting path represents a location in an abstract file system. Use the methods in FileClient to perform operations on the files and directories represented by paths.
        Specified by:
        getPath in interface FileSystemProvider
        path - the path name to resolve into a path object
        the requested path object
      • getDefaultConfiguration

        public Map<String,​FileConfiguration> getDefaultConfiguration()
        Description copied from interface: FileSystemProvider
        Gets default configuration for the schemes handled by the provider. Default configuration is inherited from the execution environment.

        A provider should return a map with entries only for schemes having default configuration; if no schemes do, an empty map should be returned.

        Specified by:
        getDefaultConfiguration in interface FileSystemProvider
        a mapping of schemes to default configuration