Class FileConfiguration

  • public final class FileConfiguration
    extends Object
    Generic configuration object which consists of a list of arbitrary named fields. Configuration typically consist of an account id field plus a secret key field plus any extra configuration. From the standpoint of the framework, configurations are opaque objects. The framework's responsibility is to transport the configuration template FileSystemProvider#getConfigurationTemplate() to the user interface and then securely transport the user's response to the file provider.
    • Field Detail


        public static final FileConfiguration EMPTY_CONFIGURATION
        Any empty configuration object.
    • Method Detail

      • override

        public FileConfiguration override​(FileConfiguration overrides)
        Creates a new FileConfiguration object equal to this configuration with its values overridden by the specified values
        overrides - the overriding values
        a new FileConfiguration object equal
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Indicates whether the configuration represent the empty configuration.
        true if the configuration is empty, false otherwise
      • getFields

        public List<ConfigurationField> getFields()
        Returns the fields of this configuration object
        the fields of this configuration object