Interface GaugeSupplier

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface GaugeSupplier
    extends StatisticSupplier
    Abstract statistic that represents a measure of some runtime activity whose value may fluctuate over time. Examples include memory usage, current thread count, etc. Gauges may optionally aggregate in a way specified by their GaugeDefinition. In addition, gauges have a range of allowed values. The range of allowed values may change over time (i.e. max memory) and is thus part of the supplier as opposed to the definition.
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentValue

        long getCurrentValue()
        Returns the current value of the gauge or an unspecified value if the gauge is unavailable.
        the current value of the gauge
      • getMinAllowedValue

        long getMinAllowedValue()
        Returns the minimum allowed value for the gauge or Long.MIN_VALUE if there is no minimum.
        the minimum allowed value for the gauge
      • getMaxAllowedValue

        long getMaxAllowedValue()
        Returns the maximum allowed value for the gauge of Long.MAX_VALUE if there is no maximum
        the maximum allowed value for the gauge