Class StatisticsMap

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class StatisticsMap
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Utility that provides a mapping from StatisticDefinition to StatisticSupplier. This map is backed by a LinkedHashMap so that insertion order is preserved. As values are added to the map, we check that the supplier is of an appropriate type so that on read we then get a type-safe lookup.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • StatisticsMap

        public StatisticsMap()
        Create an empty map.
      • StatisticsMap

        public StatisticsMap​(List<RuntimeStatistic<?>> entries)
        Creates a map consisting of the specified entries
        entries - the list of entries
    • Method Detail

      • put

        public <T extends StatisticSupplier> void put​(RuntimeStatistic<T> statistic)
        Type-safe put that adds a pair of statistic and definition
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of supplier
        statistic - the statistic to add
      • put

        public void put​(StatisticDefinition<?> definition,
                        StatisticSupplier supplier)
        Adds a value to the map.
        definition - the definition.
        supplier - the supplier
        ClassCastException - If the supplier is not of a type appropriate for the definition.
      • get

        public <T extends StatisticSupplier> T get​(StatisticDefinition<T> definition)
        Returns the value corresponding to the given definition
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of supplier that corresponds to the definition.
        definition - the definition
        the value. will never be null but may be "unavailable"
      • keys

        public Set<StatisticDefinition<?>> keys()
        Returns the set of keys. This will be returned in the order in which the values were added to the map.
        the set of keys
      • entries

        public List<RuntimeStatistic<?>> entries()
        Returns the list of statistic pairs
        the entries in the map
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the number of entries in the map
        the number of entries in the map
      • finalSnapshot

        public StatisticsMap finalSnapshot()
        Returns a map of all the statistics in this map, converting to final snapshots.
        a final snapshot of this map