Interface EvaluatorFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    InputMappedFactory, MappedEvaluatorFactory, ReflectiveFactory, ResultMappedFactory

    public interface EvaluatorFactory
    A factory used to construct evaluators for ScalarValuedFunctions. A number of implementations are provided which cover common use cases.

    An EvaluatorFactory is used as part of a function description to provide a mechanism for creating evaluators for associated function instances. Because descriptions are serialized within the framework, implementations of EvaluatorFactory must also be serializable as JSON.

    See Also:
    ScalarValuedFunction, ScalarFunctionDescriptor
    • Method Detail

      • contructEvaluator

        FunctionEvaluator contructEvaluator​(ScalarSettable result,
                                            Object[] arguments)
        Construct a new evaluator for the associated function with the given arguments, bound to the specified output buffer.
        result - the buffer to which the function result is written
        arguments - the arguments to the function
        a new evaluator for the function