Class ReflectiveFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ReflectiveFactory
    extends Object
    implements EvaluatorFactory
    A factory creating a fixed class of function evaluator. Construction is done via reflection. To be usable with this factory, the evaluator class must:
    • Define a single constructor.
    • Take a ScalarSettable or subclass object as the first argument as the result buffer.
    • Take the function arguments in the order they were declared in the function description. (ScalarFunctionDescriptor. Varargs are supported with either an array (or vararg) or list as the last argument.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReflectiveFactory

        public ReflectiveFactory​(Class<? extends FunctionEvaluator> clazz)
        Defines a factory creating evaluators of the specified class.
        evaluator - the class of the evaluator to create
    • Method Detail

      • contructEvaluator

        public FunctionEvaluator contructEvaluator​(ScalarSettable result,
                                                   Object[] arguments)
        Description copied from interface: EvaluatorFactory
        Construct a new evaluator for the associated function with the given arguments, bound to the specified output buffer.
        Specified by:
        contructEvaluator in interface EvaluatorFactory
        result - the buffer to which the function result is written
        arguments - the arguments to the function
        a new evaluator for the function