Interface StatisticsRegistry

  • public interface StatisticsRegistry
    For advanced use only; operator authors should not need to access this class. Provides a way to register statistics instrumentation with the framework.
    • Method Detail

      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()
        Returns whether statistics are enabled.
        whether statistics are enabled.
      • isConnection

        boolean isConnection()
        Is the current registry scoped for connections? Returns true if the stats that are registered will be for connections. False if for operators.
        whether the registry is scoped for connections
      • register

        <T extends StatisticSupplier> void register​(StatisticDefinition<T> definition,
                                                    T supplier)
        Registers the given statistics object. This call is ignored if statistics are not enabled.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of statistic supplier
        definition - the statistic definition
        supplier - the statistic supplier; must be a live statistics object.
      • register

        void register​(RuntimeStatistic<?> statistic)
        Registers the given statistics object. This call is ignored if statistics are not enabled.
        statistic - the statistics object; must be a live statistics object.