Class RelativeErrorBound

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RelativeErrorBound
    extends Object
    implements FloatingPointTolerance
    Checks equivalence based on the relative error between two floating point numbers. Two values are considered equal if this error is less than a fixed bound.

    Specifically, for two values v1 and v2 where v1 > v2 and a non-negative bound e, it is checked whether Math.abs((v1 - v2)/v1) <= e

    • Constructor Detail

      • RelativeErrorBound

        public RelativeErrorBound​(double epsilon)
        Define a fixed bound on the relative error of two floating point numbers.
        epsilon - the fixed bound on the error
        com.pervasive.datarush.graphs.physical.InvalidPropertyValueException - if epsilon is negative.
    • Method Detail

      • isWithinTolerance

        public boolean isWithinTolerance​(float value1,
                                         float value2)
        Description copied from interface: FloatingPointTolerance
        Indicates whether the specified values are equal under the tolerance.
        Specified by:
        isWithinTolerance in interface FloatingPointTolerance
        value1 - the first value to compare
        value2 - the second value to compare
        true if the two values lie with the error bounds, otherwise false
      • isWithinTolerance

        public boolean isWithinTolerance​(double value1,
                                         double value2)
        Description copied from interface: FloatingPointTolerance
        Indicates whether the specified values are equal under the tolerance.
        Specified by:
        isWithinTolerance in interface FloatingPointTolerance
        value1 - the first value to compare
        value2 - the second value to compare
        true if the two values lie with the error bounds, otherwise false
      • isWithinTolerance

        public boolean isWithinTolerance​(BigDecimal value1,
                                         BigDecimal value2)
        Description copied from interface: FloatingPointTolerance
        Indicates whether the specified values are equal under the tolerance.
        Specified by:
        isWithinTolerance in interface FloatingPointTolerance
        value1 - the first value to compare
        value2 - the second value to compare
        true if the two values lie with the error bounds, otherwise false
      • getEpsilon

        public double getEpsilon()
        Gets the maximum percentage difference allowed between two values.
        the relative error bound