Interface FloatingPointTolerance

    • Method Detail

      • isWithinTolerance

        boolean isWithinTolerance​(float value1,
                                  float value2)
        Indicates whether the specified values are equal under the tolerance.
        value1 - the first value to compare
        value2 - the second value to compare
        true if the two values lie with the error bounds, otherwise false
      • isWithinTolerance

        boolean isWithinTolerance​(double value1,
                                  double value2)
        Indicates whether the specified values are equal under the tolerance.
        value1 - the first value to compare
        value2 - the second value to compare
        true if the two values lie with the error bounds, otherwise false
      • isWithinTolerance

        boolean isWithinTolerance​(BigDecimal value1,
                                  BigDecimal value2)
        Indicates whether the specified values are equal under the tolerance.
        value1 - the first value to compare
        value2 - the second value to compare
        true if the two values lie with the error bounds, otherwise false