Class AbstractWriteToJDBC

    • Field Detail

      • keyNames

        protected String[] keyNames
      • commitInterval

        protected int commitInterval
      • isolationLevel

        protected int isolationLevel
      • initializeTableSQL

        protected String initializeTableSQL
      • finalizeTableSQL

        protected String finalizeTableSQL
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractWriteToJDBC

        public AbstractWriteToJDBC()
      • AbstractWriteToJDBC

        public AbstractWriteToJDBC​(JDBCOperator other)
    • Method Detail

      • getKeyNames

        public String[] getKeyNames()
        Retrieves the field names (JDBC column names) to use as keys.
        the field names to use as keys
      • setKeyNames

        public void setKeyNames​(String[] keyNames)
        Sets the field names (JDBC column names) to use as keys. Used when #outputMode is OutputMode#UPDATE or OutputMode#DELETE.
        keyNames - the list of key name fields
      • getIsolationLevel

        public int getIsolationLevel()
        Retrieves the isolation level to use for the transactions.
        the isolation level to use for the transactions
      • setIsolationLevel

        public void setIsolationLevel​(int level)
        Sets the isolation level to use for the transactions. See Connection.setTransactionIsolation(int) for isolation level explanations.
        level - the isolation level to use for the transactions
      • getCommitInterval

        public int getCommitInterval()
        Retrieves the commit interval used by the JDBC driver.
        the commit interval used by the JDBC driver
      • setCommitInterval

        public void setCommitInterval​(int commitInterval)
        Sets the commit interval used by the JDBC driver. This is the number of operations to execute between commit points.
        commitInterval - number of operations executed between commits
      • getInitializeTableSQL

        public String getInitializeTableSQL()
        Retrieves the SQL statement to execute before processing any records.
        the SQL statement to execute before processing any records
      • setInitializeTableSQL

        public void setInitializeTableSQL​(String initializeTableSQL)
        Sets the SQL statement to execute before processing any records. The most common use is initializing the table with a CREATE TABLE statement.

        This statement is executed only once, regardless of #partitionCount.

        initializeTableSQL - the SQL statement to execute before processing any records
      • getFinalizeTableSQL

        public String getFinalizeTableSQL()
        Retrieves the SQL statement to execute after processing all the records.
        the SQL statement to execute after processing all the records
      • setFinalizeTableSQL

        public void setFinalizeTableSQL​(String finalizeTableSQL)
        Sets the SQL statement to execute after processing all the records. One example use is a CREATE INDEX statement.

        This statement is executed only once, regardless of #partitionCount.

        finalizeTableSQL - the SQL statement to execute after processing all the records
      • getRenameMapping

        public Map<String,​String> getRenameMapping()
        Returns the rename mapping.
        the rename mapping.
      • setRenameMapping

        public void setRenameMapping​(Map<String,​String> renameMapping)
        Sets a rename mapping. This should be an ordered (i.e. LinkedHashMap) mapping of names. The keys in the map represent the original names in the record port. The values in the map represent column names in the table. Any columns that are not included in the mapping will be dropped.
        renameMapping - the mapping from old to new names.
      • getInput

        public RecordPort getInput()
        Returns the input port.
        the input port
      • buildInsertStatement

        protected static String buildInsertStatement​(String tableName,
                                                     List<String> fields)
      • buildDeleteStatement

        protected static String buildDeleteStatement​(String tableName,
                                                     List<String> keyFields)
      • createTruncateTableSQL

        protected String createTruncateTableSQL()
      • createDropTableSQL

        protected String createDropTableSQL()
      • guessTableName

        protected String guessTableName()