Interface LogicalOperator

    • Method Detail

      • getInputPorts

        Namespace<LogicalPort> getInputPorts()
        Returns the list of input ports. This method is generally used by framework code; operator consumers should generally use the methods getInput(), etc to obtain a handle to input ports.
        the list of input ports
      • getOutputPorts

        Namespace<LogicalPort> getOutputPorts()
        Returns the list of output ports. This method is generally used by framework code; operator consumers should generally use the methods getOutput(), etc to obtain a handle to input ports.
        the list of output ports
      • disableParallelism

        void disableParallelism()
        Can be called to forcible disable parallelism for the given operator (and children if this is a CompositeOperator). This method should be used sparingly since it will degrade performance significantly; but is needed in certain cases. For example:
        1. If there is a RunScript operator that contains a non-parallelizable script
        2. If there is a DeriveFields operator that contains a non-parallelizable function