Class ReadMDF

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReadMDF

        public ReadMDF()
        Reads an empty source with default settings. The source must be set before execution or an error will be raised.
        See Also:
      • ReadMDF

        public ReadMDF​(String pattern)
        Reads all paths matching the specified pattern using default options. Any matching path which is a directory is replaced with all files in the directory; this expansion is not recursive.
        pattern - a path-matching pattern
        See Also:
      • ReadMDF

        public ReadMDF​(Path path)
        Reads the file specified by the path. If the path refers to a a directory, all files in the directory are read; this read is not recursive into sub-directories.
        path - the path to read
      • ReadMDF

        public ReadMDF​(ByteSource source)
        Reads the specified data source using default options.
        source - the data source to read
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        public MDFUtil.MDFVersion getVersion()
        Sets the expected MDF version
        version of the MDF source
      • setVersion

        public void setVersion​(MDFUtil.MDFVersion version)
        Get the expected MDF version
        version - the version of the MDF source
      • getDataGroup

        public int getDataGroup()
        Sets the data group to read.
        data group to read
      • setDataGroup

        public void setDataGroup​(int dataGroup)
        Gets the data group to read.
        dataGroup - the data group to read
      • getRecordId

        public long getRecordId()
        Gets the record ids to read within the specified data channel. If the record id is unspecified will read the first channel group.
        record ids to read
      • setRecordId

        public void setRecordId​(long recordId)
        Sets the record ids to read within the specified data channel. If the record id is unspecified will read the first channel group.
        recordId - the record id to read
      • getConvertRaw

        public boolean getConvertRaw()
        Get whether the raw values should have any associated conversion rules applied.
        convert raw whether to apply conversion rules
      • setConvertRaw

        public void setConvertRaw​(boolean convertRaw)
        Set whether raw values should have any associated conversion rules applied.
        convertRaw - whether to apply conversion rules
      • getRunMode

        public ReadMDF.ExtractionMode getRunMode()
        Gets the mode that decides what will be extracted from the MDF file. DATA - Extracts the data for the specified record ATTACHMENT - Extracts the raw binary data for any attachments METADATA - Extracts the metadata from the file
        the mode that will be run
      • setRunMode

        public void setRunMode​(ReadMDF.ExtractionMode runMode)
        Sets the mode that will decide what will be extracted from the MDF file. DATA - Extracts the data for the specified record ATTACHMENT - Extracts the raw binary data for any attachments METADATA - Extracts the metadata from the file
        runMode - the mode that will be run