Class InputSnapshot

    • Constructor Detail

      • InputSnapshot

        public InputSnapshot​(InputStatistics stats)
        Creates a snapshot of input statistics.
        stats - the live statistics to capture
    • Method Detail

      • getIndirectWaitCount

        public long getIndirectWaitCount()
        Gets the number of times the port entered a wait state because the writer was blocked by a different reader. This is only applicable to input ports.
        Specified by:
        getIndirectWaitCount in interface InputStatistics
        the accumulated number of waits due to another reader
      • getIndirectWaitDuration

        public long getIndirectWaitDuration()
        Gets the total amount of time the port has spent in a wait state because the writer was blocked by a different reader. This is only applicable to input ports.
        Specified by:
        getIndirectWaitDuration in interface InputStatistics
        milliseconds spent in an indirect wait state