Class BalancedDistribution

  • public final class BalancedDistribution
    extends PartialStaticDataDistribution
    Used to redistribute the data in a roughly balanced fashion. Data from all partitions is round-robin partitioned to all other partitions.
    See Also:
    • Field Detail

    • Method Detail

      • remap

        public BalancedDistribution remap​(FieldRemapping mapping)
        Because BalancedDistribution does not reference any key names, it is not sensitive to transformations to the record namespace and thus this method just returns a reference to this, unmodified.
        Specified by:
        remap in class DataDistribution
        mapping - the field remapping.
        this distribution, unmodified
      • requiresRepartitionFrom

        protected boolean requiresRepartitionFrom​(PartialDataDistribution source)
        Description copied from class: PartialStaticDataDistribution
        Subclasses must override this method to declare whether a repartition is required given the source distribution. Implementations may err on the side of caution by always returning true but this may have an impact on performance.
        Specified by:
        requiresRepartitionFrom in class PartialStaticDataDistribution
        source - the source distribution
        true if a repartition is required, false if this data distribution matches what was specified.
      • getAliases

        public AliasSet[] getAliases()
        Description copied from class: DataDistribution
        Returns the fields that are referenced by this distribution. Note that it is valid for a distribution to reference no fields, in which case it should return an empty array. This method is used by the framework to validate the distribution is consistent with the type of the record.
        Specified by:
        getAliases in class DataDistribution
        the fields that are referenced by this distribution