Class RangePartitioningFunction

    • Constructor Detail

      • RangePartitioningFunction

        public RangePartitioningFunction​(String key,
                                         List<? extends ScalarToken> values)
        Range partitions based on a single key
        key - the key
        values - the boundary values for the key
      • RangePartitioningFunction

        public RangePartitioningFunction​(List<RecordToken> values)
        Range partitions based on multiple keys. The list of records correspond to each boundary and the elements in each record correspond to each key. All records must have the same names.
        values - the values to partition on
Specified by:
isEquivalentPartitioning in interface PartitioningFunction
other - the other function
whether this function produces the same results as the other function.
Specified by:
isFunctionOfInput in interface PartitioningFunction
whether this function is a stateless, deterministic function of input