Interface MutableIp6AddressTokenSequence

    • Method Detail

      • append

        void append​(byte[] value)
        Appends the specified ip6address value to this sequence.
        value - the value to append. If null, this is equivalent to appendNull().
      • append

        void append​(byte[] value,
                    int count)
        Appends the specified ip6address value to this sequence multiple times.
        value - the value to append. If null, this is equivalent to appendNull(count).
        count - the number of copies to append.
      • set

        void set​(int index,
                 long[] value)
        Sets the token at the specified position to the given raw ip6address value as a pair of longs.
        index - the position of the token in the array
        value - the ip6address as a pair of longs to which to set the token. Passing null is equivalent to calling setNull(index).
      • set

        void set​(int index,
                 byte[] value)
        Sets the token at the specified position to the given raw ip6address value.

        The input array is copied to prevent later modification of the value that is set.

        index - the position of the token in the array
        value - the raw ip4address value to which to set the token. Passing null is equivalent to calling setNull(index).
      • set

        void set​(int index,
                 Inet4Address value)
        Sets the token at the specified position to the given Inet4Address value. The ipv4 address will be converted to a ipv4 mapped ipv6 address.
        index - the position of the token in the array
        value - the Inet6Address value to which to set the token. Passing null is equivalent to calling setNull(index).
      • set

        void set​(int index,
                 Inet6Address value)
        Sets the token at the specified position to the given Inet6Address value.
        index - the position of the token in the array
        value - the Inet6Address value to which to set the token. Passing null is equivalent to calling setNull(index).