Interface MutableTokenSequence

    • Method Detail

      • setNull

        void setNull​(int index)
        Sets the token at the specified position to be null valued.
        index - the position of the token in the array
      • setNull

        void setNull​(int start,
                     int length)
        Sets the tokens in the specified subsequence to be null valued.
        start - the starting index of the subsequence in the array
        length - the length of the subsequence
      • setZero

        void setZero​(int index)
        Sets the token at the specified position to be zero valued.
        index - the position of the token in the array
      • setZero

        void setZero​(int start,
                     int length)
        Sets the tokens in the specified subsequence to be zero valued.
        start - the starting index of the subsequence in the array
        length - the length of the subsequence
      • setValue

        void setValue​(int index,
                      TokenValued value)
        Sets the token at the specified position to the given value.
        index - the position of the token in the array
        value - the value to which to set the token. This value must be of an appropriate type for the array.
      • fillValue

        void fillValue​(int start,
                       int length,
                       TokenValued value)
        Sets the tokens in the specified subsequence to the given value.
        start - the starting index of the subsequence in the array
        length - the length of the subsequence
        value - the value to which to set the tokens. This value must be of an appropriate type for the array
      • setValues

        void setValues​(int start,
                       TokenSequence values,
                       int offset,
                       int length)
        Sets the tokens in the specified subsequence of the array to the corresponding values from a subsequence of the given source sequence.
        start - the starting index of the subsequence in the array
        values - the source sequence. This sequence must be of an appropriate type for the array.
        offset - the starting index in the source sequence. Corresponding values will be taken relative to this position. That is, the value of the token at position offset in values will be assigned to the token at position start, and so on.
        length - the number of tokens to copy
      • appendZero

        void appendZero()
        Appends a zero value to this sequence.
      • appendZero

        void appendZero​(int count)
        Appends the specified number of zero values to this sequence.
        count - the number of zero values to append
      • appendNull

        void appendNull()
        Appends a null value to this sequence.
      • appendNull

        void appendNull​(int count)
        Appends the specified number of null values to this sequence.
        count - the number of null values to append
      • reset

        void reset()
        Removes all elements from the sequence.
      • getTokenSetter

        TokenSettable getTokenSetter​(int index)
        Returns a mutator for the given index.
        index - the position
        a mutator for the given index.