Interface MutableTimeTokenSequence

    • Method Detail

      • appendDayMillis

        void appendDayMillis​(int dayMillis)
        Appends the time value specified as the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight to this sequence.
        dayMillis - time value to which to set the token, expressed as the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight
      • append

        void append​(TimeOfDay value)
        Appends the specified time of day to this sequence.
        value - the value to append.
      • appendDayMillis

        void appendDayMillis​(int dayMillis,
                             int count)
        Appends the time value specified as the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight to this sequence multiple times.
        dayMillis - the value to append.
        count - the number of copies to append.
      • append

        void append​(TimeOfDay value,
                    int count)
        Appends the specified time of day to this sequence.
        value - the value to append.
        count - the number of copies to append.
      • setDayMillis

        void setDayMillis​(int index,
                          int value)
        Sets the token at the specified position to a time value specified as the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight.
        millis - time value to which to set the token, expressed as the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight