Class TimestampTokenList

    • Constructor Detail

      • TimestampTokenList

        public TimestampTokenList​(int capacity)
        Create a new array of timestamp tokens with the specified number of elements. All elements in the array will initially be null valued.
        capacity - the number of timestamp tokens in the array
    • Method Detail

      • getTimestamp

        public Timestamp getTimestamp​(int i)
        Description copied from interface: TimestampTokenSequence
        Gets the value of the specified token as a timestamp.
        Specified by:
        getTimestamp in interface TimestampTokenSequence
        i - the position of the token in the sequence
        the value of the token. If the token is null valued, null is returned.
      • getEpochSeconds

        public long getEpochSeconds​(int i)
        Description copied from interface: TimestampTokenSequence
        Gets the value of the specified token as the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT.
        Specified by:
        getEpochSeconds in interface TimestampTokenSequence
        i - the position of the token in the sequence
        the value of the token. If the token is null valued, 0 is returned.
      • getSubsecondNanos

        public int getSubsecondNanos​(int i)
        Description copied from interface: TimestampTokenSequence
        Gets the subsecond portion (in nanoseconds) of the timestamp value of the specified token.
        Specified by:
        getSubsecondNanos in interface TimestampTokenSequence
        i - the position of the token in the sequence
        the subsecond portion of the value in nanoseconds. If the token is null valued, 0 is returned.
      • getOffsetSeconds

        public int getOffsetSeconds​(int i)
        Description copied from interface: TimestampTokenSequence
        Gets the time zone plus daylight savings time offset (in seconds) of the timestamp value of the specified token.
        Specified by:
        getOffsetSeconds in interface TimestampTokenSequence
        i - the position of the token in the sequence
        the time zone plus daylight savings time offset in seconds. If the token is null valued, 0 is returned.
      • getValues

        public void getValues​(int index,
                              long[] secValues,
                              int[] nanoValues,
                              int[] offsetValues,
                              boolean[] nullFlags,
                              int offset,
                              int length)
        Description copied from interface: TimestampTokenSequence
        Gets the values and null indicators for a range of tokens.
        Specified by:
        getValues in interface TimestampTokenSequence
        index - the starting index of the range
        secValues - an array into which to place the epoch second values of elements
        nanoValues - an array into which to place the subsecond values of elements
        offsetValues - an array into which to place the offset seconds values of elements
        nullFlags - an array into which to place null indicator values
        offset - the starting offset into the target arrays. That is, elements[offset] and nulls[offset] will get the value and null indicator respectively of the token at position start, and so on.
        length - number of tokens to get
      • setNull

        public void setNull​(int index)
        Description copied from interface: MutableTokenSequence
        Sets the token at the specified position to be null valued.
        Specified by:
        setNull in interface MutableTokenSequence
        index - the position of the token in the array
      • setNull

        public void setNull​(int start,
                            int length)
        Description copied from interface: MutableTokenSequence
        Sets the tokens in the specified subsequence to be null valued.
        Specified by:
        setNull in interface MutableTokenSequence
        start - the starting index of the subsequence in the array
        length - the length of the subsequence
      • setZero

        public void setZero​(int index)
        Description copied from interface: MutableTokenSequence
        Sets the token at the specified position to be zero valued.
        Specified by:
        setZero in interface MutableTokenSequence
        index - the position of the token in the array
      • setZero

        public void setZero​(int start,
                            int length)
        Description copied from interface: MutableTokenSequence
        Sets the tokens in the specified subsequence to be zero valued.
        Specified by:
        setZero in interface MutableTokenSequence
        start - the starting index of the subsequence in the array
        length - the length of the subsequence
      • isZero

        public boolean isZero​(int index)
        Description copied from interface: ScalarTokenSequence
        Indicates whether the specified token has a zero value.
        Specified by:
        isZero in interface ScalarTokenSequence
        index - the index of the token
        true if the element is zero, false otherwise
      • setTimestamp

        public void setTimestamp​(int index,
                                 Timestamp value)
        Sets the token at the specified position to a timestamp value specified as a java.sql.Timestamp object, relative to the default time zone. The time zone returned by TimeZone.getDefault() is used.
        index - the position of the token in the array
        value - the timestamp value to which to set the token, expressed as a point in time relative to the default time zone. Passing null is equivalent to setNull(index).
      • setTimestamp

        public void setTimestamp​(int index,
                                 Timestamp value,
                                 TimeZone tz)
        Sets the token at the specified position to a timestamp value specified as a java.sql.Timestamp object, relative to the given time zone.
        index - the position of the token in the array
        value - the timestamp value to which to set the token, expressed as a point in time relative to the given time zone. Passing null is equivalent to setNull(index).
        tz - the time zone in which the timestamp should be interpreted
      • fillTimestamp

        public void fillTimestamp​(int start,
                                  int length,
                                  Timestamp value)
        Sets the tokens in the specified subsequence to a timestamp value specified as a java.sql.Timestamp object, relative to the default time zone. The time zone returned by TimeZone.getDefault() is used.
        start - the starting index of the subsequence in the array
        length - the length of the subsequence
        value - the timestamp value to which to set the tokens, expressed as a point in time relative to the default time zone. Passing null is equivalent to setNull(start, length).
      • fillTimestamp

        public void fillTimestamp​(int start,
                                  int length,
                                  Timestamp value,
                                  TimeZone tz)
        Sets the tokens in the specified subsequence to a timestamp value specified as a java.sql.Timestamp object, relative to the given time zone.
        start - the starting index of the subsequence in the array
        length - the length of the subsequence
        value - the timestamp value to which to set the tokens, expressed as a point in time relative to the given time zone. Passing null is equivalent to setNull(start, length).
        tz - the time zone in which the timestamp should be interpreted
      • setEpochSeconds

        public void setEpochSeconds​(int index,
                                    long seconds,
                                    int nanos,
                                    int offsetSeconds)
        Sets the token at the specified position to a timestamp value specified as time since Java epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT) with time zone and daylight saving time offset.
        Specified by:
        setEpochSeconds in interface MutableTimestampTokenSequence
        index - the position of the token in the array
        seconds - number of seconds since Java epoch
        nanos - fractional portion of epoch time in nanoseconds
        offsetSeconds - time zone and daylight saving time offset, in seconds
      • fillEpochSeconds

        public void fillEpochSeconds​(int start,
                                     int length,
                                     long seconds,
                                     int nanos,
                                     int offsetSeconds)
        Sets the tokens in the specified subsequence to a timestamp value specified as time since Java epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT) with time zone and daylight saving time offset.
        start - the starting index of the subsequence in the array
        length - the length of the subsequence
        seconds - number of seconds since Java epoch
        nanos - fractional portion of epoch time in nanoseconds
        offsetSeconds - time zone and daylight saving time offset, in seconds
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(int index,
                             TokenValued value)
        Description copied from interface: MutableTokenSequence
        Sets the token at the specified position to the given value.
        Specified by:
        setValue in interface MutableTokenSequence
        index - the position of the token in the array
        value - the value to which to set the token. This value must be of an appropriate type for the array.
      • fillValue

        public void fillValue​(int start,
                              int length,
                              TokenValued value)
        Description copied from interface: MutableTokenSequence
        Sets the tokens in the specified subsequence to the given value.
        Specified by:
        fillValue in interface MutableTokenSequence
        start - the starting index of the subsequence in the array
        length - the length of the subsequence
        value - the value to which to set the tokens. This value must be of an appropriate type for the array
      • setValues

        public void setValues​(int start,
                              TokenSequence values,
                              int offset,
                              int length)
        Description copied from interface: MutableTokenSequence
        Sets the tokens in the specified subsequence of the array to the corresponding values from a subsequence of the given source sequence.
        Specified by:
        setValues in interface MutableTokenSequence
        start - the starting index of the subsequence in the array
        values - the source sequence. This sequence must be of an appropriate type for the array.
        offset - the starting index in the source sequence. Corresponding values will be taken relative to this position. That is, the value of the token at position offset in values will be assigned to the token at position start, and so on.
        length - the number of tokens to copy
      • append

        public void append​(Timestamp value,
                           int count)
        Description copied from interface: MutableTimestampTokenSequence
        Appends the specified timestamp to this sequence multiple times.
        Specified by:
        append in interface MutableTimestampTokenSequence
        value - the value to append. If null, this is equivalent to appendNull().
        count - the number of copies to append.
      • appendEpochTime

        public void appendEpochTime​(long epochSeconds,
                                    int subsecondNanos,
                                    int offsetSeconds)
        Description copied from interface: MutableTimestampTokenSequence
        Appends the timestamp specified in epoch time to this sequence.
        Specified by:
        appendEpochTime in interface MutableTimestampTokenSequence
        epochSeconds - the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT.
        subsecondNanos - the subsecond portion of the timestamp in nanoseconds.
        offsetSeconds - the offset in seconds, including both time zone and daylight savings adjustments, from GMT.
      • appendEpochTime

        public void appendEpochTime​(long epochSeconds,
                                    int subsecondNanos,
                                    int offsetSeconds,
                                    int count)
        Description copied from interface: MutableTimestampTokenSequence
        Appends the timestamp specified in epoch time to this sequence multiple times.
        Specified by:
        appendEpochTime in interface MutableTimestampTokenSequence
        epochSeconds - the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT.
        subsecondNanos - the subsecond portion of the timestamp in nanoseconds.
        offsetSeconds - the offset in seconds, including both time zone and daylight savings adjustments, from GMT.
        count - the number of copies to append.