Class DataRushAssert

  • public class DataRushAssert
    extends Object
    A utility class providing convenience methods for asserting that text files are identical. These methods are useful for testing DataRush application output. Note that these methods actually invoke DataRush applications to perform the tests.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataRushAssert

        public DataRushAssert()
    • Method Detail

      • assertLinesEqual

        public static void assertLinesEqual​(String expectedOutput,
                                            String actualOutput,
                                            FloatingPointTolerance tolerance,
                                            String fieldSeparator)
        Compares two files, line-by-line, ignoring floating point mismatches. The newline style ( windows vs. unix ) is not considered by the comparison. Files must be delimited by the given field separator.
        expectedOutput - The expected output file
        actualOutput - The actual output file
        tolerance - floating point tolerance to use when comparing
        fieldSeparator - the field separator
      • assertEqualTextFiles

        public static void assertEqualTextFiles​(String expectedOutput,
                                                String actualOutput)
        Verifies that two character sequences are identical.
        expectedOutput - the path of the file with expected output
        actualOutput - the path of the file with actual output
      • assertEqualDelimitedFiles

        public static void assertEqualDelimitedFiles​(String expectedOutput,
                                                     String actualOutput)
        Verifies that two delimited text files are identical.
        expectedOutput - the path of the file with expected output
        actualOutput - the path of the file with actual output