Class TokenComparators

    • Method Detail

      • getComparator

        public static TokenComparator getComparator​(TokenType type)
        Creates a comparator appropriate for the given type. If the the given type is a record type, all fields are evaluated in the comparison.
        type - the token type for which to create a comparator
        a new comparator object
      • getComparator

        public static TokenComparator getComparator​(TokenValued left,
                                                    TokenValued right)
        Creates a comparator, bound to the given left and right values. The two values must be of comparable types; the resulting comparator will be of the narrowest possible type for the comparison. If the given values are of record type, all fields are evaluated in the comparison.
        left - the value to bind to the left operand in comparisons
        right - the value to bind to the right operand in comparisons
        a new comparator bound to the given values
      • getComparator

        public static TokenComparator getComparator​(TokenType type,
                                                    TokenOrder order)
        Creates a comparator appropriate for the given type ordered in the specified direction. If the the given type is a record type, all fields are evaluated in the comparison.
        type - the token type for which to create a comparator
        order - the direction of the ordering
        a new comparator object
      • getCompositeComparator

        public static RecordTokenComparator getCompositeComparator​(ScalarTokenType[] types,
                                                                   TokenOrder order)
        Creates a composite comparator appropriate for the given types ordered in the specified direction.
        types - the token types of individual fields. The comparator will expect values in the same order as the argument.
        order - the direction of the ordering. All fields will be compared under this ordering.
        a new comparator object
      • getCompositeComparator

        public static RecordTokenComparator getCompositeComparator​(ScalarValued[] left,
                                                                   ScalarValued[] right,
                                                                   TokenOrder order)
        Creates a composite comparator, bound to the given sets of left and right values, using the specified ordering for all pairings of values. The two values in each pair must be of comparable types; the resulting comparator will be of the narrowest possible type for the comparison.
        left - the set of values to bind to the fields of the left operand in comparisons
        right - the set of values to bind to the fields of the right operand in comparisons
        order - the ordering for all fields
        a new comparator bound to the given values
      • getCompositeComparator

        public static RecordTokenComparator getCompositeComparator​(ScalarTokenType[] types,
                                                                   TokenOrder[] order)
        Creates a composite comparator appropriate for the given types ordered in the specified direction for each field.
        types - the token types of individual fields. The comparator will expect values in the same order as the argument.
        order - the direction of the orderings for each field.
        a new comparator object
      • getCompositeComparator

        public static RecordTokenComparator getCompositeComparator​(ScalarValued[] left,
                                                                   ScalarValued[] right,
                                                                   TokenOrder[] order)
        Creates a composite comparator, bound to the given sets of left and right values, using the specified orderings for each pairing of values. The two values in each pair must be of comparable types; the resulting comparator will be of the narrowest possible type for the comparison.
        left - the set of values to bind to the fields of the left operand in comparisons
        right - the set of values to bind to the fields of the right operand in comparisons
        order - the set of orderings for each field
        a new comparator bound to the given values