Class ClusterPredictor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ClusterPredictor
    extends AbstractPredictor
    Assigns input data to clusters based on the provided PMML Clustering Model. The explicit cluster IDs will be used for the assignment, if the model provides any. Otherwise, the implicit 1-based index, indicating the position in which each cluster appears in the model will be used as ID. The input data must contain the same fields as the training data that was used to build the model (in the PMML model: clustering fields with the attribute "isCenterField" set to "true") and these fields must be of type double, float, long or int. The resulting assignments will be part of the output alongside with the original input data.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClusterPredictor

        public ClusterPredictor()
    • Method Detail

      • getWinnerFieldName

        public String getWinnerFieldName()
        Gets the name of the winner field in the output. This is "winner" by-default. For every input row, this field will contain the ID of the cluster, that row was assigned to.
        the name of the winner field in the output
      • setWinnerFieldName

        public void setWinnerFieldName​(String winnerFieldName)
        Sets the name of the winner field in the output. This is "winner" by-default. For every input row, this field will contain the ID of the cluster, that row was assigned to.
        winnerFieldName - the name of the winner field in the output.
      • getOutput

        public RecordPort getOutput()
        Returns a record port consisting of the input plus the assigned cluster IDs. If the model provides cluster IDs, these explicit IDs will be used in the output. Otherwise, the implicit 1-based index, indicating the position in which each cluster appears in the model will be used as ID. The name of the field containing the resulting assignments is configurable via the property winnerFieldName. The default name is "winner".
        getOutput in class AbstractPredictor
        a record flow of original values and their cluster assignments.
      • predictedType

        protected RecordTokenType predictedType​(PMMLModelSpec modelSpec)
        Description copied from class: AbstractPredictor
        Given the model spec, returns the predicted type. This should not include the input type ( the input is automatically prepended to the type that is returned )
        Specified by:
        predictedType in class AbstractPredictor
        modelSpec - the model metadata
        the predicted type