Class LogisticRegressionPredictor

    • Constructor Detail

      • LogisticRegressionPredictor

        public LogisticRegressionPredictor()
    • Method Detail

      • predictedType

        protected RecordTokenType predictedType​(PMMLModelSpec modelSpec)
        Description copied from class: AbstractPredictor
        Given the model spec, returns the predicted type. This should not include the input type ( the input is automatically prepended to the type that is returned )
        Specified by:
        predictedType in class AbstractPredictor
        modelSpec - the model metadata
        the predicted type
      • getWinnerField

        public String getWinnerField()
        Gets the name of the winner field to output. This is "winner" by-default.
        the name of the winner field to output.
      • setWinnerField

        public void setWinnerField​(String name)
        Sets the name of the winner field to output. This is "winner" by-default.
        winnerField - the name of the winner field to output.