Interface DistributedExecutorService

    • Method Detail

      • ensureInitialNodeAllocation

        NodeAllocationPlan ensureInitialNodeAllocation()
        Returns the original node allocation (that which was allocated before any nodes failed). This method forces allocation of nodes if not already allocated
      • submitMaster

        <T> MonitoredFuture<T> submitMaster​(MonitoredCallable<T> callable)
        Asynchronous, local, and non-parallel submission of the given callable.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the result type
        callable - the callable to run
        an execution handle
      • submit

        <T> MonitoredFuture<T> submit​(DistributedCallable<T> callable,
                                      ExecutionOptions options)
        Asynchronously invokes the given callable. The command will be invoked once per VirtualNodeID and results/status/exceptions merged together.

        NOTE: Implementations are advised to implement this in terms of DistributedCallableBatch. This has the advantage of minimizing communication overhead. It also has the advantage of deserializing the command once-per-JVM which provides command implementations a convenient way of sharing (larger) objects within the same JVM. (DR relies on the assumption for certain performance optimizations).
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of results/status
        callable - the callable to execute
        options - miscellaneous execution options
        an execution handle
      • submit

        <T> MonitoredFuture<T> submit​(DistributedCallableBatch<T> callable,
                                      ExecutionOptions options)
        Asynchronously invokes the given callable. The command will be invoked once per physicalNodeID and results/status/exceptions merged together.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of results/status
        callable - the callable to execute
        options - miscellaneous execution options
        an execution handle
      • execute

        <T> T execute​(DistributedCallable<T> command,
                      ExecutionOptions options)
               throws DistributedExecutionException,
        Synchronously invokes the given callable. The command will be invoked once per VirtualNodeID and results/status/exceptions merged together.

        NOTE: Implementations are advised to implement this in terms of DistributedCallableBatch. This has the advantage of minimizing communication overhead. It also has the advantage of deserializing the command once-per-JVM which provides command implementations a convenient way of sharing (larger) objects within the same JVM. (DR relies on the assumption for certain performance optimizations).
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of results/status
        command - the command to execute
        options - miscellaneous execution options
        the result
        DistributedExecutionException - if an exception occurs during execution
        InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting for results