Class HadoopFileSystemProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HadoopFileSystemProvider
    extends Object
    implements FileSystemProvider
    Provides access to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Paths are also valid HDFS paths. They are identified by the hdfs scheme and always specify an authority identifying the name node of the HDFS.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HadoopFileSystemProvider

        public HadoopFileSystemProvider()
        Creates a new provider for HDFS.

        This constructor is public as a matter of implementation only. Users should not construct a provider directly, but instead use the static methods contained in FileClient and Paths.

    • Method Detail

      • isPathSupported

        public boolean isPathSupported​(String path)
        Description copied from interface: FileSystemProvider
        Indicates whether the given scheme is handled by the provider.
        Specified by:
        isPathSupported in interface FileSystemProvider
        path - an identifier for a path scheme
        true if this provider handles paths using the scheme, false otherwise.
      • getFileSystem

        public FileSystem getFileSystem​(FileClient client,
                                        FileConfiguration configuration,
                                        Path path)
        Description copied from interface: FileSystemProvider
        Gets the file system identified by the path. The path identifies a file on the file system; the file's file system is returned. This is equivalent to calling getPath(path).getFileSystem(), but may be faster.
        Specified by:
        getFileSystem in interface FileSystemProvider
        client - a file client. most implementations will ignore this parameter. "meta-filesystems" ( those than can span filesystems ) may need the file client.
        configuration - the configuration for this filesystem
        path - a path identifying a file on the file system
        the requested file system object
      • getPath

        public Path getPath​(String path)
        Description copied from interface: FileSystemProvider
        Gets the path identified by the given string. The resulting path represents a location in an abstract file system. Use the methods in FileClient to perform operations on the files and directories represented by paths.
        Specified by:
        getPath in interface FileSystemProvider
        path - the path name to resolve into a path object
        the requested path object
      • getDefaultConfiguration

        public Map<String,​FileConfiguration> getDefaultConfiguration()
        Description copied from interface: FileSystemProvider
        Gets default configuration for the schemes handled by the provider. Default configuration is inherited from the execution environment.

        A provider should return a map with entries only for schemes having default configuration; if no schemes do, an empty map should be returned.

        Specified by:
        getDefaultConfiguration in interface FileSystemProvider
        a mapping of schemes to default configuration