Interface LogicalGraphInstanceView

    • Method Detail

      • getGraphInstanceGUID

        GUID getGraphInstanceGUID()
        Uniquely identifies this graph instance, currently used for ui refresh on the client
        a unique identifier for this graph instance
      • getState

        GraphState getState()
        Gets the current execution state of the instance.
        the current state
      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the name of this graph instance. This will be the same as the name of the corresponding LogicalGraph.
        the name of this graph instance.
      • getPath

        GraphPath getPath()
        Returns the base path of this graph instance. This will be the same as getName() for top-level graphs. For subgraphs, this will include the path of the operator/connection that launched the graph.
        the base path of this graph instance.
      • getChildren

        List<? extends OperatorInstance> getChildren()
        Gets the descriptions of the top-level operators comprising the instance.
        the list of operator descriptors described by the instance
      • getSnapshot

        LogicalGraphInstanceView getSnapshot()
        Returns a snapshot that reflects a point-in-time of this graph instance
        a snapshot that reflects a point-in-time of this graph instance