Interface LogicalGraphInstance

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface LogicalGraphInstance
    extends LogicalGraphInstanceView
    The executable artifact of a logical graph. Contains the compiled execution plan. This is produced as the result of either compiling or executing a LogicalGraph in a specified execution environment. A LogicalGraphInstance is the central point of management for the execution of a logical graph. It:
    • manages the execution of the underlying plan network
    • describes the structure of the instantiated logical graph
    • contains the results - in the form of errors and statistics - of the execution of the graph
    • Method Detail

      • run

        void run()
        Executes the graph instance synchronously. The caller will block until the graph terminates. On return, the instance will be in a complete state.

        This is similar to calling start(), then join().

        DROperatorException - if errors occur during execution of the graph
        GraphCancellationException - if the graph is canceled using abort() or if the calling thread is is interrupted while blocked. If the caller should handle its own interruptions, use start() and join() instead.
        IllegalStateException - if the instance has already been executed or canceled.
      • start

        void start()
        Executes the graph instance in the background Control is immediately returned to the caller. On return, the instance will be EXECUTING.
        IllegalStateException - if the instance has already been executed or canceled.
      • abort

        void abort()
        Cancels any executing processes. If the instance is already complete, the request is ignored.
      • getOperatorInstance

        OperatorInstance getOperatorInstance​(LogicalOperator operator)
        Looks up an operator instance by the LogicalOperator added to the graph.
        operator - must be an operator that was added to the graph
        the associated operator instance or null if not found.
      • getPortInstance

        InputPortInstance getPortInstance​(LogicalPort inputPort)
        Looks up an operator instance by the input port of a LogicalOperator that was added to the graph.
        inputPort - must be an input port of a LogicalOperator
        the associated port instance or null if not found.