Class LogicalGraphInstances

    • Method Detail

      • getOperatorState

        public static OperatorState getOperatorState​(LogicalGraphInstance instance,
                                                     LogicalOperator operator)
        Returns the operator state associated with the given operator. Returns OperatorState.INITIAL if the operator is not found in the graph.
        instance - the logical graph instance
        operator - the operator
        the operator state
      • getExceptions

        public static List<Throwable> getExceptions​(LogicalGraphInstance instance,
                                                    LogicalOperator operator)
        Returns the exceptions associated with the given operator. Returns the empty list if the given operator is not found in the graph.
        instance - the logical graph instance
        operator - the operator
        a list of exceptions
      • getConnectionStatistics

        public static List<LogicalStatistic> getConnectionStatistics​(LogicalGraphInstance instance,
                                                                     LogicalPort inputPort)
        Returns the connection statistics associated with the given input port. Returns the empty list if the given port is not found in the graph or is not an input port.
        instance - the logical graph instance
        inputPort - the input port
        a list of statistics
      • getOperatorStatistics

        public static List<LogicalStatistic> getOperatorStatistics​(LogicalGraphInstance instance,
                                                                   LogicalOperator operator)
        Returns the operator statistics associated with the given operator. Returns the empty list if the given operator is not found in the graph.
        instance - the logical graph instance
        operator - the operator
        a list of exceptions