Class AbstractTextWriter

    • Field Detail

      • encodingProps

        protected final CharsetEncoding encodingProps
        Container for character encoding related attributes
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractTextWriter

        protected AbstractTextWriter()
        Writes text to an empty target with default settings. The target must be set before execution or an error will be raised.
        See Also:
      • AbstractTextWriter

        protected AbstractTextWriter​(boolean provideDoneSignal)
        Writes text to an empty target with default settings, optionally providing a port for signaling completion of the write. The target must be set before execution or an error will be raised.
        provideDoneSignal - indicates whether a done signal port should be created
        See Also:
      • AbstractTextWriter

        protected AbstractTextWriter​(String path,
                                     WriteMode mode)
        Writes text to the specified path in the given mode, using default settings.

        If the writer is parallelized, this is interpreted as a directory in which each partition will write a fragment of the entire input stream. Otherwise, it is interpreted as the file to write.

        path - the path to which to write
        mode - how to handle existing files
      • AbstractTextWriter

        protected AbstractTextWriter​(Path path,
                                     WriteMode mode)
        Writes text to the specified path in the given mode, using default settings.

        If the writer is parallelized, this is interpreted as a directory in which each partition will write a fragment of the entire input stream. Otherwise, it is interpreted as the file to write.

        path - the path to which to write
        mode - how to handle existing files
      • AbstractTextWriter

        protected AbstractTextWriter​(ByteSink target,
                                     WriteMode mode)
        Writes text to the specified target sink in the given mode.

        The writer can only be parallelized if the sink is fragmentable. In this case, each partition will be written as an independent sink. Otherwise, the writer will run non-parallel.

        target - the sink to which to write
        mode - how to handle an existing sink
    • Method Detail

      • getEncodeBuffer

        public int getEncodeBuffer()
        Gets the size of the buffer, in bytes, used to encode character data.
        the decoding buffer size
      • setEncodeBuffer

        public void setEncodeBuffer​(int size)
        Sets the size of the buffer, in bytes, used to encode character data. By default, this will be automatically derived using the character set and write buffer size.
        size - the encoding buffer size to use
      • getEncoding

        public CharsetEncoding getEncoding()
        Get the character set encoding properties.
        properties used for character set encoding
      • setEncoding

        public void setEncoding​(CharsetEncoding settings)
        Set the properties that control character set encoding.
        settings - character set encoding properties
      • getCharset

        public Charset getCharset()
        Gets the character set used by the data sink.
        the character set of the target
      • setCharset

        public void setCharset​(Charset charset)
        Sets the character set used by the data sink. By default ISO-8859-1 is used.
        charset - the character set to use
      • getCharsetName

        public String getCharsetName()
        Gets the name of the character set used by the data sink.
        the name of character set of the target
      • setCharsetName

        public void setCharsetName​(String charsetName)
        Sets the character set used by the data sink.
        charsetName - name of the character set
        InvalidPropertyValueException - if the named character set is not supported.
      • getErrorAction

        public CodingErrorAction getErrorAction()
        Get the configured encoding error action.
        encoding error action
      • setErrorAction

        public void setErrorAction​(CodingErrorAction errorAction)
        Set the encoding error action. The error action determines how to handle errors encoding the input data into the configured character set. The default action is to replace the faulty data with a replacement character.
        errorAction - encoding error action
      • getReplacement

        public String getReplacement()
        Get the text used by the replacement error action. This value is only used if the error action is to replace.
        replacement text
      • setReplacement

        public void setReplacement​(String replacement)
        Sets the error policy to be replacement with the specified string. By default, "?" is used.
        replacement - replacement value to use for encoding errors