Class WriteARFF

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    LogicalOperator, RecordSinkOperator, SinkOperator<RecordPort>

    public class WriteARFF
    extends AbstractTextWriter
    Write files using the Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF). ARFF supports both sparse and dense formats. This can be specified by using the setFormatMode(ARFFMode) method. The default mode is sparse. When the input data is highly sparse, the sparse mode can save space since it only writes non-zero values. However, if the data is not very sparse, using sparse mode can actually cause the resultant file to be larger; use dense mode for dense data.

    Note that when writing sparse data that contains enumerated types, the zero ordinal category will always be treated as sparse and so will not appear in the output file. This is normal and expected behavior. The enumerated type is captured in the meta-data. When the file is read, the zero ordinal values will be restored as expected.

    • Constructor Detail

      • WriteARFF

        public WriteARFF()
        Writes ARFF data to an empty target with default settings. The target must be set before execution or an error will be raised.
        See Also:
      • WriteARFF

        public WriteARFF​(String path,
                         WriteMode mode)
        Writes ARFF data to the specified path in the given mode, using default settings.

        If the writer is parallelized, this is interpreted as a directory in which each partition will write a fragment of the entire input stream. Otherwise, it is interpreted as the file to write.

        path - the path to which to write
        mode - how to handle existing files
      • WriteARFF

        public WriteARFF​(Path path,
                         WriteMode mode)
        Writes ARFF data to the specified path in the given mode, using default settings.

        If the writer is parallelized, this is interpreted as a directory in which each partition will write a fragment of the entire input stream. Otherwise, it is interpreted as the file to write.

        path - the path to which to write
        mode - how to handle existing files
      • WriteARFF

        public WriteARFF​(ByteSink target,
                         WriteMode mode)
        Writes ARFF data to the specified target sink in the given mode.

        The writer can only be parallelized if the sink is fragmentable. In this case, each partition will be written as an independent sink. Otherwise, the writer will run non-parallel.

        target - the sink to which to write
        mode - how to handle an existing sink
    • Method Detail

      • getRelationName

        public String getRelationName()
        Get the value of the relation name property.
        relation name
      • setRelationName

        public void setRelationName​(String relationName)
        Set the relation name attribute. In ARFF, the relation name is captured in the meta-data with the tag @attribute.
        relationName - name of the relation
      • addComment

        public void addComment​(String comment)
        Add a comment line that will be written to the ARFF meta-data section of the file. Multiple comments may be added. They will be written in the order provided.
        comment - a line of commentary to add to the output file
      • setComments

        public void setComments​(List<String> comments)
        Set the comments lines to write to the ARFF meta-data section of the file.
        comments - lines of commentary to add to the output file
      • getComments

        public List<String> getComments()
        Gets the comments lines current set to be written.
        the lines of commentary to add to the output file
      • setRecordSeparator

        public void setRecordSeparator​(String separator)
        Set the record separator. This string will be output at the end of each record written. The default value is the system dependent record separator.
        separator - text separating records
      • getRecordSeparator

        public String getRecordSeparator()
        Get the record separator.
        record separator
      • getFormatMode

        public ARFFMode getFormatMode()
        Get the value of the mode property.
        write mode
      • setFormatMode

        public void setFormatMode​(ARFFMode mode)
        Set the mode with which to write the file. The supported modes are SPARSE and DENSE.
        mode - write mode; either sparse or dense
      • getSchema

        public TextRecord getSchema()
        Get the configured schema for this reader instance.
        configured schema (may be null)
      • setFieldDelimiter

        public void setFieldDelimiter​(char delimiter)
        Set the field delimiter to use when writing the file contents. A single quote is used by default. The only supported values are a single quote and a double quote.
        delimiter - the delimiter to used for field values containing spaces
      • getFieldDelimiter

        public char getFieldDelimiter()
        Get the configured field delimiter property value.
        configured field delimiter
      • setSchema

        public void setSchema​(TextRecord schema)
        Set the schema to use for the provided data. A schema is not required. If a schema is not provided, a default schema will be constructed using default formatting options for all fields. A schema is useful to explicitly specify the formatting options for fields. This is especially useful for date and timestamp types, but is applicable to all types.
        schema - definition of field ordering, names, types and formats