Class LogicalPortFactory<T extends LogicalPort>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of port
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class LogicalPortFactory<T extends LogicalPort>
    extends Object
    A port factory creates a port. By convention, all port types declare a static "FACTORY" variable that can create ports of the given type.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LogicalPortFactory

        public LogicalPortFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • newPort

        public abstract T newPort​(LogicalOperator owner,
                                  String name,
                                  LogicalPort.Direction direction,
                                  boolean optional)
        Public only as a matter of implementation; clients should not use this method directly. Clients should create ports via one of the factory methods on AbstractLogicalOperator. For example use newRecordInput to create a record input port.
        owner - the owner of the port
        name - the name of the port
        direction - the port direction
        optional - whether the port is optional
        a new port
      • getProvider

        public abstract com.pervasive.datarush.graphs.internal.LogicalPortProvider getProvider()
        Public only as a matter of implementation; clients should not use this method directly.
        a provider