Interface InputPortInstance

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface InputPortInstance
    extends PortInstance
    A runtime instance of a LogicalPort.
    • Method Detail

      • getSourcePath

        GraphPath getSourcePath()
        Returns the path to the source port. This may be null in the case of a disconnected optional port.
        the source path
      • getHistoricalStatistics

        StatisticsMap getHistoricalStatistics()
        Returns aggregations for subgraphs that have been flushed from the history.
        aggregations for subgraphs that have been flushed from the history.
      • getSubgraphs

        List<? extends LogicalGraphInstanceView> getSubgraphs()
        Returns a list of subgraphs that were executed for this connection. Most connections require no sub-graphs; this is used by connections that need to dynamically distribute data. The setting EngineConfig.subgraphHistorySize(int) may be used to limit the number of subgraphs that are retained. If this port corresponds to an composite port then this will return an empty list.
        a list of subgraphs that were executed for this connection
      • getSnapshot

        InputPortInstance getSnapshot()
        Description copied from interface: PortInstance
        Returns a snapshot that reflects a point-in-time of this port instance.
        Specified by:
        getSnapshot in interface PortInstance
        a snapshot of the port instance
      • isDataPort

        boolean isDataPort()
        Does this represent a port of potentially large data (i.e. record port) as opposed to a model port? Currently, this returns true iff the port is a record port.
        whether this is a record port.