Class GenerateRandom

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    LogicalOperator, RecordSourceOperator, SourceOperator<RecordPort>

    public final class GenerateRandom
    extends ExecutableOperator
    implements RecordSourceOperator
    Generates rows of random data.

    All field types except generic and object are supported.

    The generated data for each field data type does not in general cover the full range of that type supported by the dataflow system, but does cover a range that any operator claiming to support that type should be able to handle.

    • boolean: Either true or false
    • binary: Between 1 and 2048 random bytes, with a uniform distribution of the number of bytes.
    • char: ASCII characters 32-126 ("Valid Unicode" is not well defined)
    • date: The range of days representable by a Date, +- 2^64 milliseconds from 1970-01-01, corresponding to +- about 292 million years.
    • double: The range of Double excluding NaN and +-Inf. (NaN values can be generated by setting nullFraction > 0.0)
    • float: The range of Float, excluding NaN and +-Inf. (NaN values can be generated by setting nullFraction > 0.0)
    • int: The full range of Integer.
    • long: The full range of a Java Long.
    • numeric: The integer part is formed from 1 to 100 binary digits, corresponding to up to 31 decimal digits (2^100 - 1 = 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,375). This value is then divided by 10^scale, where the scale is 0 to 29, and made negative with a probability of 50%.
    • string: Zero or more random ASCII characters (see also char data type). The string length is unlimited, but the probability decays exponentially, as 0.9^min_length: 10% are empty strings, 9% are 1 character long, 8.1% are two characters long, 7.29% are 3 characters long, etc.
    • timestamp: The range of seconds is the range representable by a Timestamp, +- 2^64 milliseconds from 1970-01-01, corresponding to +- about 292 million years. The nanos range is 0 to 999999999. The time zone offset is a whole number of minute in the range -12:00 to +12:59 (the extra hour is for daylight savings).
    • Constructor Detail

      • GenerateRandom

        public GenerateRandom()
        The default constructor. Prior to graph compilation the following properties should be specified
      • GenerateRandom

        public GenerateRandom​(RecordTokenType type,
                              long rowCount)
        Creates a new instance of GenerateRandom, specifying the minimal set of required parameters.
        type - the output type
        rowCount - the number of rows
    • Method Detail

      • getSeed

        public long getSeed()
        Gets the seed for the random number generator.
        the seed for the random number generator
      • getNullProbability

        public double getNullProbability()
        Gets the probability any given generated token will be null valued.
        the probability any given generated token will be null valued
      • setSeed

        public void setSeed​(long seed)
        Sets the seed for the random number generator.
        seed - the seed for the random number generator
      • setNullProbability

        public void setNullProbability​(double nullProbability)
        Sets the probability any given generated token will be null valued.
        nullProbability - the probability any given generated token will be null valued
      • getOutputType

        public RecordTokenType getOutputType()
        Returns the data type of the generated values
        the data type of the generated values
      • setOutputType

        public void setOutputType​(RecordTokenType outputType)
        Sets the data type of the generated values
        outputType - the data type of the generated values
      • getRowCount

        public long getRowCount()
        Returns the number of values to generate
        the number of values to generate
      • setRowCount

        public void setRowCount​(long rowCount)
        Sets the number of values to generate
        rowCount - the number of values to generate
      • computeMetadata

        protected void computeMetadata​(StreamingMetadataContext ctx)
        Description copied from class: StreamingOperator
        Implementations must adhere to the following contracts


        Regardless of input ports/output port types, all implementations must do the following:

        1. Validation. Validation of configuration should always be performed first.
        2. Declare parallelizability.. Implementations must declare parallelizability by calling StreamingMetadataContext.parallelize(ParallelismStrategy).

        Input record ports

        Implementations with input record ports must declare the following:
        1. Required data ordering:
        2. Implementations that have data ordering requirements must declare them by calling RecordPort#setRequiredDataOrdering, otherwise data may arrive in any order.
        3. Required data distribution (only applies to parallelizable operators):
        4. Implementations that have data distribution requirements must declare them by calling RecordPort#setRequiredDataDistribution, otherwise data will arrive in an unspecified partial distribution.
        Note that if the upstream operator's output distribution/ordering is compatible with those required, we avoid a re-sort/re-distribution which is generally a very large savings from a performance standpoint. In addition, some operators may chose to query the upstream output distribution/ordering by calling RecordPort#getSourceDataDistribution and RecordPort#getSourceDataOrdering. These should be viewed as a hints to help chose a more efficient algorithm. In such cases, though, operators must still declare data ordering and data distribution requirements; otherwise there is no guarantee that data will arrive sorted/distributed as required.

        Output record ports

        Implementations with output record ports must declare the following:
        1. Type: Implementations must declare their output type by calling RecordPort#setType.
        Implementations with output record ports may declare the following:
        1. Output data ordering: Implementations that can make guarantees as to their output ordering may do so by calling RecordPort#setOutputDataOrdering
        2. Output data distribution (only applies to parallelizable operators): Implementations that can make guarantees as to their output distribution may do so by calling RecordPort#setOutputDataDistribution
        Note that both of these properties are optional; if unspecified, performance may suffer since the framework may unnecessarily re-sort/re-distributed the data.

        Input model ports

        In general, there is nothing special to declare for input model ports. Models are implicitly duplicated to all partitions when going from non-parallel to parallel operators. The case of a model going from a parallel to a non-parallel node is a special case of a "model reducer" operator. In the case of a model reducer, the downstream operator, must declare the following:
        1. Merge handler: Model reducers must declare a merge handler by calling AbstractModelPort#setMergeHandler.
        Note that MergeModel is a convenient, re-usable model reducer, parameterized with a merge-handler.

        Output model ports

        SimpleModelPort's have no associated metadata and therefore there is never any output metadata to declare. PMMLPort's, on the other hand, do have associated metadata. For all PMMLPorts, implementations must declare the following:
        1. pmmlModelSpec: Implementations must declare the PMML model spec by calling PMMLPort.setPMMLModelSpec.
        Specified by:
        computeMetadata in class StreamingOperator
        ctx - the context
      • execute

        protected void execute​(ExecutionContext ctx)
        Description copied from class: ExecutableOperator
        Executes the operator. Implementations should adhere to the following contracts:
        1. Following execution, all input ports must be at end-of-data.
        2. Following execution, all output ports must be at end-of-data.
        Specified by:
        execute in class ExecutableOperator
        ctx - context in which to lookup physical ports bound to logical ports