All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbsoluteErrorBound |
Checks equivalence based on the absolute error between two floating point
AbstractAzureClient |
AbstractAzureClient.AzureCredentials |
AbstractContinuousStatistics<T extends Number & Comparable<? super T>> |
AbstractContinuousStatistics.IntervalCounts<T extends Number & Comparable<? super T>> |
AbstractDataRushTestCase |
Base class for DataRush operator and application unit tests.
AbstractDeferredRecordOperator |
AbstractExecutableRecordPipeline |
A base class for simple record-to-record operators, providing
common functions.
AbstractIntervalTimerSupplier |
AbstractLogicalOperator |
Base class for all LogicalOperators.
AbstractModelPort<T> |
Common base class for all types of model ports.
AbstractModelPortFactory<T,P extends AbstractModelPort<T>> |
Base class for model port factories.
AbstractModelPortMetadata |
Base class for model metadata.
AbstractNumericInfo<T extends Number & Comparable<? super T>> |
AbstractObjectEncoderFactory |
AbstractOperatorTestCase |
AbstractPMMLRegressionModel |
A representation of features found in PMML regressionModel elements that do not
depend on its attributes.
AbstractPMMLRegressionModel.CategoricalPredictor |
AbstractPMMLRegressionModel.ModelType |
The possible values of the ModelType attribute of a PMML regressionModel.
AbstractPMMLRegressionModel.NormalizationMethod |
The normalization methods used.
AbstractPMMLRegressionModel.NumericPredictor |
Capture information about numeric predictor values.
AbstractPMMLRegressionModel.RegressionTable |
AbstractPredictor |
Common base class for "predictor" processes.
AbstractReader |
A generic reader of byte data representing a stream of records.
AbstractRecordCompositeOperator |
AbstractRecordFormatter |
Skeleton implementation of a formatter for writing records to a sink.
AbstractRecordValued<F extends ScalarValued> |
For internal use only.
AbstractRegexLogFormat |
Skeleton implementation of a regular expression based LogFormat class.
AbstractRelationalJoin |
Common base class for the various types of join that we support.
AbstractScalarEncoder |
Base class for scalar encoders.
AbstractScalarTokenSequence |
AbstractTextFilter |
AbstractTextReader |
A generic reader of text data representing a stream of records.
AbstractTextWriter |
A generic writer of text data representing a stream of records.
AbstractTokenDecoder |
Base class for TokenEncoders
AbstractTokenEncoder |
Base class for TokenEncoders.
AbstractWriter |
A generic writer of byte data representing a stream of records.
AbstractWriteToJDBC |
Abstract implementation of a JDBC writer.
AbstractWriteToJDBC.AbstractWriteHelper |
AbstractWriteToJDBC.AbstractWriteToJDBCWorker |
AbstractWriteToJDBC.SqlWriteProperties |
AccumulatedTimer |
AccumulatedTimerDefinition |
AccumulatedTimerSnapshot |
AccumulatedTimerSupplier |
Abstract statistic that represents "wall-clock" time of
some runtime activity.
Actions |
Provides implementations of action functions.
Aggregation |
A representation of an aggregation on a specific field in a record.
AggregationFunction |
Interface for aggregation functions computing
distance/similarity of two vectors according to
the PMML specification.
AggregationFunctionConstants |
This enumeration contains implementations of AggregationFunction s
that correspond to the aggregation functions for clustering models in
the PMML specification.
AggregationFunctionEvaluator |
AggregationFunctionEvaluatorFactory |
AggregationProvider |
AggregationRegistry |
Stores a list of aggregations registered by the AggregationProvider, and
provides a method for calling those aggregations.
Aggregator |
Interface to be implemented by implementations of aggregations; consumers of the API
should generally not need to implement this interface.
AggregatorFactory |
Class responsible for creating aggregators.
AliasSet |
An alias set consists of a set of name aliases and optionally a token order.
AnalyticsFunctionProvider |
AnalyticsTypeResolutionProvider |
Type registry of analytics.
AnalyzeDuplicateKeys |
Provides an analysis of the quality of a set of blocking keys
over data to be deduplicated.
AnalyzeLinkKeys |
Provides an analysis of the quality of a set of blocking keys
over two data sets to be linked.
AnnotationEncoderFactory |
An encoder factory that works with annotations placed on class methods that
mark the methods for getting an encoder and decoder for the class.
ApplicationResource |
An application specific resource that is required at run-time on the target execution cluster.
ApplicationResource.ResourceType |
The resource type.
ApplicationResource.ResourceVisibility |
Visibility of the resource.
ARFFAnalyzer |
An analyzer for ARFF files.
ARFFAnalyzer.Analysis |
Contains the results of analyzing an ARFF file.
ARFFDataFormat |
Describes an instance of ARFF data.
ARFFMode |
Defines valid representation types for ARFF instance data.
ArgumentConverter |
An ArgumentConverter is used by the DefaultFunctionInvoker to convert
ScalarValuedFunction arguments to the correct type.
Arithmetic |
Provides implementations of common arithmetic functions.
ArrayComparisonError |
Thrown when two array elements differ.
AssertEqual |
Verifies that actual rows are equal to expected rows.
AssertEqualHash |
Verifies that actual rows are equal to expected rows without regard to order.
AssertEqualRecordType |
Assert that the given type and the type of the input port are equal.
AssertEqualTypes |
Asserts that two input flows have identical types.
Assertions |
A collection of methods providing assertions useful in tests.
Assertions.MismatchFilter |
A filter used to determine whether line mismatches are significant.
AssertMetadata |
Assert that the metadata on the input port is set correctly.
AssertPredicate |
Assert that the given predicate is true for all input values.
AssertRowCount |
Verifies that the input flow contains the specified row count.
AssertSorted |
Verifies that the input data is sorted by the given set of keys.
AssociationRule |
An association rule defining the strength of a relationship between two item sets.
AttributeScope |
A session qualifier to provide uniqueness of session attributes.
AvroFormat |
Describes the format of a file using Apache Avro format.
AvroMetadata |
Represents metadata associated with an Avro formatted file.
AvroSchemaUtils |
Utilities for working with Avro schemas.
AvroTypeResolutionProvider |
Public only as a matter of implementation; for internal use only.
AzureAuthType |
AzureClient |
AzureCredentialsHelper |
AzureFilePath |
AzureFileSplit |
Describes a range of bytes from an Azure Blob.
AzureFileSystem |
AzureFileSystemProvider |
Provides services to access Azure Blob storage as a file system.
AzureUtils |
BalancedDistribution |
Used to redistribute the data in a roughly balanced fashion.
BasicByteSink |
A data source identified by a Path .
BasicByteSource |
A data source identified by a Path .
BasicCounter |
BasicPathDetails |
BasicPathDetails.ObjectType |
BatchExecutionException |
Subclass of DistributedExecutionException that contains all the exceptions that occurred in one batch.
BigContinuousStatistics |
Object representation of the PMML ContStats element.
BigNumberUtil |
Miscellaneous BigInteger and BigDecimal utilities
BigNumericInfo |
Corresponds to the PMML NumericInfo element.
BinaryBuilder |
A buffer for building variable-length binary valued data.
BinaryDataUtil |
Utilities for working with binary data.
BinaryFormat |
BinaryInputField |
A binary valued field of a record input port.
BinaryOutputField |
A binary valued field of a record output port.
BinaryReader |
Provides extended data access methods on binary data flows.
BinaryRegister |
BinarySettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a binary value.
BinaryToken |
BinaryTokenList |
BinaryTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing binary valued data.
BinaryValued |
A TokenValued object containing a binary value.
BinaryValuedIterator |
BinaryWriter |
Writes raw binary data to a filesystem.
BindListener<T> |
Listener for detecting the assignment of names to objects in a namespace.
BivariateNumericInfo |
Object representation of the PMML NumericInfo extension element.
BivariateStats |
Object representation of the PMML BivariateStats extension element.
BlockCartesian |
Block the input data by creating a cartesian product of the data.
BlockRecords |
Block records into groups of like records based on a set of key fields
and generate record pairs from these groups.
BlockSelf |
Block records from a single source into groups of like records based on
a set of key fields and generate record pairs from these groups.
BooleanFormatter |
A formatter representing boolean token values as user-specified text values.
BooleanInputField |
A boolean valued field of a record input port.
BooleanOutputField |
A boolean valued field of a record output port.
BooleanParser |
A parser producing boolean token values from a user-specified
mapping of text values.
BooleanRegister |
BooleanSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a boolean value.
BooleanToken |
BooleanTokenList |
BooleanTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing boolean valued data.
BooleanValued |
A TokenValued object containing a boolean value.
BooleanValuedIterator |
BrokenFlowError |
An error indicating premature termination of a data flow.
BuiltinStreamProvider |
Provides access to built-in data streams.
ByteSink |
An abstract sink for bytes.
ByteSource |
An abstract source of bytes.
BZip2CompressorInputStream |
An input stream that decompresses from the BZip2 format to be read as any other stream.
BZip2CompressorInputStream.ReadMode |
BZip2Constants |
Constants for both the compress and decompress BZip2 classes.
BZipCompression |
Defines support for the bzip2 compression algorithm.
CacheScopeSpecifier |
Enumeration of possible caches for Element 's.
CalculateNGramFrequency |
Calculates the n-gram frequencies for a tokenized text field.
CalculateWordFrequency |
Calculates the word frequencies for a tokenized text field.
CalendarDate |
A specific date on the Gregorian calendar.
CharFormatter |
A formatter representing character token values as single-character strings.
CharInputField |
A character valued field of a record input port.
CharOutputField |
A character valued field of a record output port.
CharParser |
A parser producing character token values from single-character strings.
CharRegister |
CharsetEncoding |
Describes the encoding format of character data.
CharSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a character value.
CharToken |
CharTokenList |
CharTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing character valued data.
ChartType |
CharValued |
A TokenValued object containing a character value.
CharValuedIterator |
ClassificationScheme |
Determines how to classify a query record based on
its nearest neighbors.
ClassificationScheme.Classifier |
Resolves the class of a query record from
a set of neighbors.
ClassificationScheme.Distance |
Representation of the distance between two points.
Classifier |
Describes which classification methodology to use.
ClassifierType |
Defines the types of classifiers supported by matching.
ClassPath |
ClasspathSpecifier |
The classpath specifies for a job.
ClasspathSpecifier.Element |
An element of a classpath.
ClassSerializer |
Utility that should be used for all json-related class serialization.
ClearTextEncryptionProvider |
An "non-encrypting" encryption provider.
CLFLogFormat |
Describes the format of a web server log in
NCSA Common log format.
CloseableRecordValuedIterator |
A record iterator which has resources which need
to be released when being disposed.
CloseableTokenAppendable |
A TokenAppendable which has resources which need
to be released when being disposed.
Cluster |
Corresponds to the Cluster PMML element.
Cluster.Builder |
ClusterDuplicates |
Transform record pairs into clusters of like records, where the two sides of
the pair are from the same source.
ClusteringField |
Corresponds to the ClusteringField PMML element.
ClusteringField.Builder |
ClusterLinks |
Transform record pairs into clusters of like records.
ClusterPredictor |
Assigns input data to clusters based on the provided PMML Clustering Model.
ClusterProvider |
Extension point to register cluster providers for new schemes.
ClusterProviderManager |
Facade to lookup providers from META-INF/services.
ClusterSpecifier |
A "URL-like" entity that identifies a cluster.
Coercer |
CoercerRegistrationFactory |
CoercerRegistrationFactoryImpl |
Register coercers used by the DataRush library.
CoercionException |
CollectionUtil |
Miscellaneous collection utilities.
CollectRecords |
Collects input data into an in-memory token list.
CollisionPolicy<T> |
Handler for name collisions within a namespace.
ColumnSelector |
Utility class to select a number of column fields based on field name
and type criteria.
ColumnsToRows |
Normalize records by transposing values from row columns into multiple rows.
CombinedLogFormat |
Describes the format of a web server log in
NCSA Combined log format.
CommandRunner |
Interface defining methods used to run an executable outside of the JVM.
ComparableTokenDecoder |
A decoder for byte-wise comparable binary encodings.
ComparableTokenEncoder |
Converts token values into a byte-wise comparable binary encoding.
CompareFunction |
Values of this enumeration correspond to the compare functions for clustering
models in the PMML specification.
Comparison |
A configuration of a field comparison for matching.
ComparisonMeasure |
Corresponds to the ComparisonMeasure PMML element.
ComparisonMeasure.Builder |
ComparisonMeasure.Kind |
Values of this enumeration correspond to the comparison measure kinds for
ComparisonMeasure s in clustering models in the PMML specification.
ComparisonType |
The type of field comparisons supported by the matching operators.
CompilationLevel |
Enumeration of compilation levels.
CompleteType |
CompositeOperator |
To be implemented by operators that can be defined by chaining together
other operations.
CompositeTokenSequence |
A record sequence comprised of scalar sequences for fields.
CompositeValue |
A composite value comprised of scalar valued fields.
CompositionContext |
CompositionIterator |
Interface to be implemented by iterative operators.
CompoundPredicate |
Corresponds to the CompoundPredicate PMML element.
CompoundPredicate.Operator |
Enumeration of allowed values for the "booleanOperator" attribute.
CompressedFileSplit |
Describes a range of bytes from a compressed file.
Compression |
Describes the compression scheme to use when writing data in
Apache Avro format.
CompressionFormat |
Provides support for a compression format.
CompressionFormats |
A factory for locating registered compression formats.
CompressionSplitIterator |
ConcatenatedByteSource |
A data source which concatenates multiple sources.
Conditionals |
Provides implementations of common conditional evaluation functions.
ConfigurationField |
An element of credential information.
ConnectionException |
ConnectionFactory |
Factory for creating connection objects.
ConnectionHelper |
ConnectionSettings |
Basic JDBC Connection settings.
ConstantArgumentConverter |
An abstract argument converter for converting String constants to the
correct object type.
Child classes should implement the convert(String) object to produce
an object.
ConstantPredicate |
Corresponds to the True and False PMML elements.
ConstantReference |
A reference to a known value.
ContainerContextBuilder |
Build a container context based on the contents of the classpath specifier.
ContainerStatsService |
Service to gather run time statistics for the application master and worker containers.
ContainerStatsServiceImpl |
Service implementation that collects run time stats of the application master
and all of the containers launched by the application master.
ContinuousInputMappingModel |
PMML Input Mapping for continuous ( numerical ) data.
ContinuousStatistics |
Object representation of the PMML ContStats element.
ConversionException |
Conversions |
Provides implementations of common type conversion functions.
ConversionType |
Supported target conversion types (from PMML).
ConvertARMModel |
An operator that converts an association model in PMML into a target format.
ConvertTextCase |
Converts the case on a TokenizedText field.
ConvertTextCase.Case |
CoreAggregationProvider |
Registers core classes containing Aggregation methods.
CoreFunctionProvider |
Registers core classes containing ScalarValuedFunction methods.
CoreTypeResolutionProvider |
Public only as a matter of implementation; for internal use only.
CounterAggregator |
The count aggregator to use
CounterDefinition |
CounterSnapshot |
CounterSupplier |
Abstract statistic that represents a count of
some runtime activity.
CountingOutputStream |
Keeps track of the number of bytes written to the underlying stream
CountRanges |
Determines which range each value in a field falls within and counts the totals.
CountTokens |
Counts the number of tokens in a tokenized text field.
CrossJoin |
Produce the cartesian product of two sets of records.
DatabaseSplit |
Defines the parameters for one instance of a parameterized query that is run in parallel.
DataDistribution |
DataDistribution is the component of RecordMetadata that describes how
the data is distributed.
DatafileStagingManager |
DataFormat |
Describes the record format of external data,
such as in a file.
DataFormat.DataFormatter |
A formatter for converting record data to binary or
text format.
DataFormat.DataParser |
A parser for record data in binary or text format.
DataNotSortedException |
Unchecked exception thrown to indicate that an input flow
contains rows that are out of order.
DataOrdering |
DataOrdering is the component of RecordMetadata that describes how
the data is ordered.
DataQualityAnalyzer |
Evaluates a set of quality tests on an input dataset.
DataQualityAnalyzer.QualityTest |
A quality test consists of a test name (used to reference the test in the statistics)
plus a boolean predicate.
DataRegister |
DataRepresentation |
Controls the representation of a dataset.
DataRepresentation.Base |
The default value that is assumed for unspecified values.
DataRushAssert |
A utility class providing convenience methods for asserting that text files are identical.
DatasetBuilder |
Utility for writing a data-set to be read by ReadStagingDataset outside of an engine context.
DatasetFormatVersion |
Specifies serialization format versions of staging data sets.
DatasetIterator |
DatasetMetadata |
The metadata describing a staging dataset.
DatasetOptions |
Can be used to provide tuning parameters that control how iterative operators
stage their data.
DatasetStorageFormat |
A description of the the storage format of a data set.
DataSplit |
Describes a range of bytes from a data source.
DataToken |
DateDataUtil |
DateFormatArgumentConverter |
DateFormatter |
A formatter representing date token values with a user-defined text format.
DateInputField |
A date valued field of a record input port.
DateOutputField |
A date valued field of a record output port.
DateParser |
A parser producing date token values from a user-defined text format.
DateRegister |
DateSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a date value.
DateTime |
Provides implementations of common date/time functions.
DateTime.DateTimeValue |
Definitions of date and time values that can be extracted from date and timestamp types.
DateTime.Granularity |
The desired granularity of the output.
DateTimeFormatting |
Describes the formatting of a string representing a date/time value.
DateTimeUtils |
Utilities for working with date/time values.
DateTimeValueArgumentConverter |
Converts an argument to a DateTimeValue enum value.
DateToken |
DateTokenConverter |
DateTokenList |
DateTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing date valued data.
DateValued |
A TokenValued object containing a date value.
DateValuedIterator |
DecimalFormatUtil |
DecisionTreeLearner |
Operator responsible for constructing a Decision Tree.
DecisionTreePredictor |
Operator responsible for predicting outcomes based on a Decision Tree PMML model.
DecisionTreePruner |
Performs pruning of the provided input model.
DecisionTreeTraceLevel |
Controls verbose decision tree logging
Decoder |
An annotation for a static method of a class marking the method as the getter
of a TokenDecoder for the class.
DefaultArgumentConverter |
The default argument converter.
DefaultConnectionFactory |
Default implementation of ConnectionFactory that uses
the JDBC DriverManager for creating connections.
DefaultDoubleFormatter |
A formatter representing double token values with the default Java text format.
DefaultDoubleParser |
A parser producing double token values from the default Java text format.
DefaultDurationFormatter |
DefaultDurationParser |
A parser producing duration token values from duration strings
expressed in ISO 8601 format.
DefaultEncryptionProvider |
The default encryption provider.
DefaultFloatFormatter |
A formatter representing float token values with the default Java text format.
DefaultFloatParser |
A parser producing float token values from the default Java text format.
DefaultFunctionInvoker |
A default function invoker, which passes arguments directly to the method using
an ArgumentConverter .
Arguments may specify a converter using the FunctionArgument annotation.
DefaultIntFormatter |
A formatter representing int token values with the default Java text format.
DefaultIntParser |
A parser producing int token values from the default Java text format.
DefaultLongFormatter |
A formatter representing long token values with the default Java text format.
DefaultLongParser |
A parser producing long token values from the default Java text format.
DefaultModificationCountProvider |
Provides a change number sequence which is
manually managed.
DefaultMoneyFormatter |
A formatter representing money token values with the default text format.
DefaultMoneyParser |
DefaultNumericFormatter |
A formatter representing numeric token values with the default Java text format.
DefaultNumericParser |
A parser producing numeric token values from the default Java text format.
DefaultPeriodFormatter |
DefaultPeriodParser |
A parser producing period token values from period strings
expressed in ISO 8601 format.
DeferredCompositeOperator |
DeferredCompositionContext |
DeleteFromJDBC |
This operator deletes data in the target table in a database by applying
SQL delete statements.
DeleteHBase |
Write delete markers to HBase
DeleteHBase.DeleteMarker |
DelimitedTextAnalyzer |
An analyzer for files containing delimited text.
DelimitedTextAnalyzer.Analysis |
Contains the results of an analysis of a delimited text file.
DelimitedTextFormat |
Describes the format of a delimited text file.
DeriveFields |
Applies one or more functions to the input record data.
DetailLevel |
DictionaryFilter |
Filters a tokenized text field using a dictionary.
DirectoryFilter |
A filter for selecting paths.
DiscoverDomain |
Utility operator for discovering the domain of string fields.
DiscoverDuplicates |
Discover duplicate records within a single source using fuzzy matching operators.
DiscoverLinks |
Use fuzzy matching operators to discover linked records from two data sources.
DiscreteInputMappingModel |
InputMappingModel for discrete ( categorical ) data.
DiscreteStatistics |
Object representation of the PMML DiscrStats element.
DistanceMeasure |
Enum of distance measure that can be used to build a k-means model.
DistinctValues |
Calculates distinct values of the given input field.
DistributedCallable<T> |
A distributed equivalent of a Callable .
DistributedCallableBatch<R> |
A distributed equivalent of a Callable .
DistributedCallableContext |
DistributedCallableContextBatch |
DistributedCommand<T> |
Convenient base class for DistributedCallable 's that do not support
monitoring/partial results.
DistributedCommandBatch<T> |
DistributedExecutionException |
DistributedExecutorService |
Distributed equivalent of the ExecutorService concept.
DoneSignalPort |
Used to coordinate processing between operators that have a processing
dependency but no explicit data dependency.
DoubleFormatter |
A formatter representing double token values with a user-defined text format.
DoubleInputField |
A double valued field of a record input port.
DoubleOutputField |
A double valued field of a record output port.
DoubleParser |
A parser producing double token values from a user-defined text format.
DoubleRegister |
DoubleSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a double value.
DoubleToken |
DoubleTokenList |
DoubleTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing double valued data.
DoubleValued |
A TokenValued object containing a double value.
DoubleValuedIterator |
DrawDiagnosticsChart |
This operator takes the output of one or multiple predictors and uses the
confidence values produced by these predictors along with the actual target values ("true class")
to produce diagnostic charts.
DRException |
Base for exceptions thrown by DataRush.
DriverProvider |
Responsible for looking up database drivers by name
DROperatorException |
Wrapper for errors occurring during the execution of a dataflow
Drunner |
DumpPartitions |
For test purposes--sorts inputs and writes to a file
DurationFormatter |
DurationInputField |
A duration valued field of a record input port.
DurationOutputField |
A duration valued field of a record output port.
DurationParser |
DurationRegister |
DurationSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a duration value.
DurationToken |
DurationTokenList |
DurationTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing duration valued data.
DurationValued |
A TokenValued object containing a Duration value.
DurationValuedIterator |
DynamicEnum |
Provides enum-like semantics ( ordinal mapping ) for dynamically constructed data.
DynamicEnum.Builder |
Builder for constructing new dynamic enums
DynamicEnum.Value |
A value of a given enumeration.
DynamicEnumerationType |
Text data type for converting to/from an integer ordinal mapping
DynamicRangeDataDistribution |
A distribution where data is range-partitioned by a selected array of keys.
ElementComparator |
ELFAnalyzer |
A format analyzer for Extended Log Format files.
ELFAnalyzer.ELFAnalysis |
ELFLogFormat |
Describes the format of a web server log in
W3C Extended log format.
EmitRecords |
Emits an in-memory token list as output.
Encoder |
An annotation for a static method of a class marking the method as the getter
of a TokenEncoder for the class.
EncoderFactory |
An interface defining a factory that provides an encoder and decoder for
a particular class or set of classes.
EncryptionManager |
A manager of EncryptionProvider's.
EncryptionProvider |
A provider of textual encryption.
EndOfDataException |
Exception thrown when an error relating to reaching the end of a flow is
EngineConfig |
A collection of engine configuration settings.
EngineConfig.Ports |
Nested class containing settings specific to ports.
EngineConfig.RemoteMonitoring |
Settings in this object determine settings for remote monitoring
EngineConfig.Sort |
Settings in this object determine
default tuning for the Sort operator.
EngineProperty<T> |
Defined configuration properties for the DataRush engine.
EnumeratedValues |
Deprecated. |
EnumTokenType |
EOFException |
An exception indicating end-of-file has been unexpectedly
reached on a stream.
ErrorAction |
The action to take if a SQL error occurs while reading data from the database.
ErrorConfiguration |
ErrorSink |
A record source sink throws an error either at composition time or execution time.
ErrorSource |
A record source that throws an error either at composition time or execution time.
EvaluationContext |
An object describing the context in which a subexpression of a
larger expression is being evaluated.
EvaluatorFactory |
A factory used to construct evaluators for ScalarValuedFunction s.
ExactTolerance |
Check equivalence based on an exact match.
ExactTruthMapping |
A one-to-one mapping of strings to boolean values which
does case-sensitive comparisons.
ExecutableOperator |
ExecutableOperators are the most commonly used operators.
ExecutionContext |
ExecutionOptions |
Miscellaneous execution options.
ExecutionUtil |
ExpandTextFrequency |
Expands text frequency field.
ExpandTextTokens |
Expands a TokenizedText field.
ExternalDataType |
External data types are those DataRush interacts with in some way but does not
support internally in dataflow queues (they are not PortTypes ).
ExternalRecordSink |
Defines an external sink of record data.
ExternalRecordSource |
Defines an external source of record data.
Field |
FieldCopier |
A utility class for copying a set of input values to output fields.
FieldDelimiterSettings |
A container for structural information about a text file containing delimited records.
FieldDelimiterSpecifier |
A collection of structural information about a text file consisting of
delimited-field records.
FieldDerivation |
Defines how a field's value in the output is derived from
fields in the input.
FieldDomain |
Contains meta-information about the allowed values, lower, and upper bounds
for a given field.
FieldExistsException |
Exception indicating a field already exists in a field namespace such as a record.
FieldIteratorHelper |
Utility class for constructing field iterators associated with a given record type.
FieldIteratorManager |
Class responsible for creating iterators associated with a given RecordValued
FieldIteratorProperties |
Various properties that control the behavior of a field iterator.
FieldReference |
A reference to a field in a record schema.
FieldRemapping |
A transformation on a record type.
FieldRemappings |
FieldRemappings.Directive |
A mapping directive to be applied to a source field.
FieldTypeNotSupportedException |
Unchecked exception thrown to indicate a field in a record schema is of an
invalid type for a given context.
FieldTypesNotComparableException |
Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to compare two fields of
incompatible types in a record schema.
FileAlreadyExistsException |
An I/O exception indicating the file in question already exists.
FileClient |
Provides access to files and directories.
FileConfiguration |
Generic configuration object which consists of a list of arbitrary named fields.
FileMetaConfiguration |
A FileMetaConfiguration is a grouping of all file configurations related to the client.
FileMetaConfiguration.Entry |
An entry in the meta-configuration consisting of a path prefix and those
configurations that are to be used for paths starting with the given prefix.
FileMetadata |
The metadata associated with physical data files.
FileSplit |
Describes a range of bytes from a file.
FileSystem |
Describes the file system identified by a path scheme.
FileSystemProvider |
Provides basic operations on paths for a specific path scheme
or schemes.
FileUtil |
Utility methods for operating on files.
Filter |
Configuration for a filter used during matching operations.
FilterExistingRows |
Filters records on the left based on the presence of matching records on the right.
FilterExistJoinProcess |
FilterFields |
Base class for operators which filter fields in the input records.
FilterRows |
Filters records based on a specified predicate.
FilterText |
Filters a tokenized text field.
FilterType |
The types of filters supported for matching operations.
FinalizeSQLWorker |
FixedSizeTextType |
An TextDataType with a fixed-size text representation.
FixedTextFormat |
Describes the format of a fixed text file.
FixedType |
A typer for functions which return a fixed, known type.
FixedWidthMultiRecordTextSchema |
A schema for a text file containing records with different fixed-width
FixedWidthTextRecord |
A definition of a fixed-width record in a text file.
FloatFormatter |
A formatter representing float token values with a user-defined text format.
FloatingPointMismatchFilter |
A filter for handling mismatches in floating point values.
FloatingPointTolerance |
Represents allowable error bounds for comparing the equality of two
floating point numbers.
FloatInputField |
A float valued field of a record input port.
FloatOutputField |
A float valued field of a record output port.
FloatParser |
A parser producing float token values from a user-defined text format.
FloatRegister |
FloatSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a float value.
FloatToken |
FloatTokenList |
FloatTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing float valued data.
FloatValued |
A TokenValued object containing a float value.
FloatValuedIterator |
ForceRecordStaging |
Forces staging of record ports.
ForceStaging<P extends LogicalPort> |
Forces the operators on the input and output sides to
execute sequentially, instead of concurrently.
FormatAnalyzer |
A generic format analyzer for log files.
FormatAnalyzer.FormatAnalysis |
Contains the results of analyzing a file.
FormatFunctionInvoker |
A specialized function invoker for format.
Formatting |
Provides implementations of common formatting functions.
FormattingOptions |
A collection of parameters for configuring parsing.
FPGrowth |
An operator that implements the FP-growth algorithm, outputting a PMML model
containing generated items sets and association rules.
FPGrowthAlgorithm |
An implementation of the FP-growth algorithm based on FPTree .
FrequentItems |
Compute the frequent items within the given transactions.
FTPFileSystemProvider |
Provides access to FTP resources as a file system.
FTPPath |
FTPPath.FTPProtocol |
FullDataDistribution |
An operator may set this as their requiredDataDistribution
in order to indicate that the data needs to be sent to all nodes in the cluster (or all
threads in the case of pseudo-distributed operation).
Function |
Indicates that a method returns a ScalarValuedFunction and should be included in the FunctionRegistry
or returns an Aggregation and should be included in the AggregationRegistry.
Function1<P,R> |
Function2<A,B,R> |
FunctionArgument |
Sets properties for arguments of functions in the FunctionRegistry.
FunctionContext |
Information about the context in which a function is
FunctionDescription |
A description of a function, including its name, description, and argument names.
FunctionEvaluator |
An executor of a function.
FunctionInvoker |
A FunctionInvoker is used by the FunctionRegistry to invoke a function method and by
the AggregationInvoker to invoke an aggregation method.
The implementing class essentially translates an array of ScalarValuedFunction arguments
into the proper format for a given function method.
A function method can specify its invoker using the Invoker annotation.
FunctionProvider |
FunctionRegistry |
Stores a list of functions registered by the FunctionTypeResoultionProvider, and
provides a method for calling those functions.
Functions |
FunctionTyper |
Determines the upper bound and result type of a
ScalarValuedFunction .
FunctionUtil |
A collection of useful utilities for implementing classes related
to functions.
Gain |
QualityMeasure that uses information gain as the splitting criteria.
GainRatio |
QualityMeasure that uses information gain ratio as the splitting criteria.
GatherHint |
Forces parallel streams of data to be gathered into a single
non-parallel stream.
GaugeAggregator |
The gauge aggregator to use
GaugeDefinition |
GaugeSnapshot |
GaugeSupplier |
Abstract statistic that represents a measure
of some runtime activity whose value may fluctuate over time.
GcpCredentialsHelper |
GcpFilePath |
GcpFileSystem |
GcpFileSystemProvider |
Provides services to access Google Cloud Storage as a file system.
GenerateArithmeticSequence |
Generates a sequence of numerical values, with a constant difference between
consecutive values.
GenerateBagOfWords |
Calculates the bag of words for a tokenized text field.
GenerateCombinations |
A combination generator capable of generating combinations
of a given array of integers.
GenerateConstant |
Generates copies of a constant value.
GenerateRandom |
Generates rows of random data.
GenerateRepeatingCycle |
Generates a cycle of repeating values.
GeneratorFunctions |
Provides implementations of Generator functions.
GenericLogFormat |
Describes the format of a generic log that can
be parsed using a regular expression.
GenericObjectFormatter |
A formatter representing object token values as text values.
GenericPMMLModel |
A pass-through PMML Model.
GenericPushable |
An object publishing buffered data.
GenericTCPServer |
General purpose TCP server that provides thread pooling, start and stop code.
GenericTCPServer.ConnectionHandler |
Handles incomming connections
GenericTokenType |
A description of the generic data type, the root of the type hierarchy.
GetModel<T> |
Provides a way to update an in-memory reference to a model object.
GlassfishLogFormat |
Describes the format of a Glassfish log file.
GlobbingByteSource |
A data source representing the concatenation of
all files matching a pattern.
GranularityArgumentConverter |
Converts an argument to a Granularity enum value.
GraphCancellationException |
Thrown to indicate the cancellation of a running dataflow
GraphCompilationListener |
Provides notification whenever an operator is compiled.
GraphPath |
A sequence of names typically used to identify elements within nested
GraphPaths |
Factory for generating paths which provides for a standard separator and an
escaping mechanism.
GraphState |
Describes the state of a LogicalGraphInstance .
Group |
Performs grouping (aggregation) of sorted input data.
GroupPairsSortedRows |
Finds key groupings within the input key fields and, for each key group, generates all pairwise combinations of
distinct rows in that group.
A globally unique identifier.
GZipCompression |
Defines support for the gzip compression algorithm.
HadoopConfiguration |
Just a map of key/value properties
HadoopFilePath |
Implementation of a path for the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
HadoopFileSystemProvider |
Provides access to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
HadoopIOException |
Subclass of IOExceptions for Hadoop.
HadoopTypeResolutionProvider |
Public only as a matter of implementation; for internal use only.
HashMixer |
A representation of a partially completed hash of a sequence of values.
HashPartitioningFunction |
A default hash partitioning function
HashUtil |
Utility methods for hashing different data types.
HBasePartitioningFunction |
A partitioning function that partitions records of data based on a HBase table.
HexBinaryFormatter |
A formatter representing binary token values as hexadecimal strings.
HexBinaryParser |
A parser producing binary token values from hexadecimal strings.
HiveTypeResolutionProvider |
Index |
Configuration of the indexing phase for a matching operation.
IndexType |
Types of indexing operations supported.
InitializeSQLWorker |
InputMappedFactory |
A factory mapped by the widest type encompassing
one or more input values.
InputMappingModel |
Abstract class that represents a PMML input mapping.
InputModificationCountProvider |
A change sequence derived from an input port.
InputPortInstance |
A runtime instance of a LogicalPort .
InputSnapshot |
A snapshot of run-time statistics for an input port.
InputStatistics |
Live run-time statistics for an input port.
InputStreamSupplier |
An abstract factory for input streams.
InputStreamSuppliers |
InputTargetPair |
Represents the pair (inputValue, targetValue) .
InsensitiveTruthMapping |
A one-to-one mapping of strings to boolean values which
does case-insensitive comparisons.
Interval<T extends Number & Comparable<? super T>> |
Object representation of the PMML Interval element.
Interval.Closure |
Enumeration of allowed values for the "closure" attribute of the
Interval element.
IntervalFormatting |
Describes the formatting of a string representing TemporalAmounts such as Duration and Period.
IntervalFormatUtil |
A simple formatter/parser utility for TemporalAmounts such as Duration and Period.
IntervalTimer |
IntervalTimerDefinition |
IntervalTimerSnapshot |
IntervalTimerSupplier |
Abstract statistic that represents "wall-clock" time of
some runtime activity.
IntFormatter |
A formatter representing int token values with a user-defined text format.
IntInputField |
An integer valued field of a record input port.
IntOutputField |
An integer valued field of a record output port.
IntParser |
A parser producing int token values from a user-defined text format.
IntRegister |
IntSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing an integer value.
IntToken |
IntTokenList |
IntTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing integer valued data.
IntValued |
A TokenValued object containing an integer value.
IntValuedIterator |
InvalidArgumentCountException |
Thrown to indicate that an aggregator was constructed with an invalid number of arguments.
InvalidFieldException |
Exception indicating reference to an invalid field (or fields) in a record
InvalidFunctionArgumentException |
Exception thrown when an invalid argument is passed to a function
within an expression.
InvalidOperandTypeException |
An exception indicating the data type of a subexpression is not valid
for use in the containing expression.
InvalidPMMLException |
Thrown to indicate that either:
the thrower attempted to parse a malformed or non-compliant PMML document, including one that used a different version of the PMML standard, or
the thrower was required to build a PMML element that was non-compliant (e.g.
InvalidSchemaException |
Exception that indicates a schema definition is invalid.
InvalidTypeException |
InvalidValueException |
IOChannelOperation |
Valid operations on an I/O byte channel, such as a
file or network socket.
IOChannelStatsCollector |
Gathers statistics for an I/O channel.
IOMonitoringContext |
Provides a context for instrumenting I/O operations.
Ip4AddressInputField |
A ip4 address valued field of a record input port.
Ip4AddressOutputField |
A ip4 address valued field of a record output port.
Ip4AddressRegister |
Ip4AddressSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a Inet4Address value.
Ip4AddressToken |
Ip4AddressTokenList |
Ip4AddressTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing ip4address valued data.
Ip4AddressValued |
A TokenValued object containing a ip4 address value.
Ip4AddressValuedIterator |
Ip6AddressInputField |
A ip6 address valued field of a record input port.
Ip6AddressOutputField |
A ip6 address valued field of a record output port.
Ip6AddressRegister |
Ip6AddressSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a Inet6Address value.
Ip6AddressToken |
Ip6AddressTokenList |
Ip6AddressTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing ip6address valued data.
Ip6AddressValued |
A TokenValued object containing a ip4 address value.
Ip6AddressValuedIterator |
IpAddressDataUtil |
Utilities for working with IpAddress data.
IPAddressUtil |
ISODateFormatter |
A formatter representing date token values as ISO 8601 date strings.
ISODateParser |
A parser producing date token values from ISO 8601 date and timestamp strings.
ISOTimeOfDayFormatter |
A formatter representing time token values using only
the time portion, using ISO 8601 conventions.
ISOTimeOfDayParser |
A parser producing time token values from time-of-day
expressed in ISO 8601 format.
ISOTimestampFormatter |
A formatter representing timestamp token values as ISO 8601 timestamp strings.
ISOTimestampParser |
A parser producing timestamp token values from ISO 8601 timestamp strings.
Item |
Definition of an item with the context of association rule mining.
ItemSet |
A representation of a set of items with their support (frequency) within a data set.
ItemSetEncoderFactory |
The encoder factory for the ItemSet class.
IterativeExecutionContext |
IterativeMetadataContext |
IterativeOperator |
To be implemented by operations that must make multiple passes over the input
IteratorEndOfDataException |
JavaScriptRunner |
JDBCConnector |
Basic JDBC connector class.
JDBCException |
Subclass of DRExceptions for JDBC.
JDBCField |
JDBCOperator |
JettyProvider |
JobCallable<T> |
JobContext |
Context available to job.
JobExecutorService |
Client-side API for submitting units of work to the job master.
JobExecutorServiceFactory |
JobHistoryService |
JobInformation |
Basic job information that contains the job name, id, and the user that submitted the job.
JobLogInfo |
JobLogInfo.LogInfo |
JobServerInformation |
JobSpecifier |
Rollup of all parameters needed to launch a job
JobStatistics |
JobStatus |
Join |
Performs a relational equi-join on two input datasets by a specified set of keys.
JoinKey |
Combination of a left key and a right key.
JoinMode |
Specifies how the Join operator should handle
rows with unmatched keys.
The primary class that should be used for performing any JSON serialization/deserialization.
JSONException |
Subclass of DRExceptions for JSON.
JSONFormat |
JsonHelper |
A simple JSON helper utility
JsonPatternBasedDiscovery |
Discovers a schema for JSON text by checking values against the discovered
JSON types and various regular expressions which map to data types.
JsonRecordReader |
A utility class used to read and parse JSON text records.
JsonRecordReader.JsonFieldReader |
JSONSerializerUtil |
Utilities for custom JSON serializers.
JSONTestHelper |
JsonTextAnalyzer |
An analyzer for files containing JSON text.
JsonTextAnalyzer.JsonAnalysis |
Contains the results of the analysis of a json text file.
KerberosSubjectProvider |
Authenticates as a specified Kerberos principal using a keytab file.
KernelType |
Base class for the various SVM PMML kernel types.
KeyDrivenDataDistribution |
DataDistribution based on a set of keys from the input data.
KeyOperator |
Specifies key field mapping when accessing HBase.
KeyValueOperator |
Specifies data field mapping when accessing HBase.
KMeans |
Computes clustering model for the given input based on the k-Means algorithm.
KNNClassifier |
Applies the K-nearest neighbor algorithm to classify input data against an
already classified set of example data.
LargeGroupDetector |
An operator that issues warnings if a dataflow contains an unusually large
number of distinct key values.
LengthFilter |
LimitRows |
Truncates a flow to a fixed number of records.
LinearKernelType |
Object representation of the LinearKernelType PMML element.
LinearRegressionLearner |
Performs a multivariate linear regression on the given training data.
ListFunctionInvoker |
A function invoker which passes all of its arguments as a single list to the method.
ListFunctions |
Provides implementations of common List functions.
ListOps |
Utility class to dump all registered operators to stdout or the file specified.
LiveConnectAdvice |
LiveConnectAdviceManager |
LiveConnectAdvisor |
Service interface that controls which classes are auto-imported as a convenience.
LiveConnectAdvisorImpl |
Register standard classes to be available via live connect.
LoadActianVector |
Bulk load data into the Actian Vector database.
LoadMethod |
Specifies the method to use for bulk loading data into Vector.
LoadVectorOnHadoop |
LoadVectorOnHadoopDirect |
LocalCommandRunner |
Run a command on the local machine using a locally started process.
LocaleUtils |
LocalFileSystemProvider |
Provides access to the local file system.
Log4jLogFormat |
Describes the format of a log4j log file.
Log4jPatternParser |
LogDataFormat |
LogFormat |
LogFormatter |
A simple formatter for use with DataRush applications.
LogicalGraph |
Represents a logical graph which is intended to be executed.
LogicalGraphFactory |
Public factory for creating initially empty logical graphs.
LogicalGraphInstance |
The executable artifact of a logical graph.
LogicalGraphInstances |
LogicalGraphInstanceView |
LogicalGraphWithConfig |
LogicalOperator |
A logical operator is the fundamental unit of composition which may be added
to a LogicalGraph .
LogicalPort |
A operator's port ( either input or output ).
LogicalPort.Direction |
Indicates whether the port is input or output
LogicalPortFactory<T extends LogicalPort> |
A port factory creates a port.
LogicalPortOptions |
Marker interface for port options used by LogicalSubgraph.filtered
LogicalStatistic |
Statistic associated with a LogicalPort or
a LogicalOperator .
LogicalStatistic.Builder |
A builder for statistics.
LogicalStatistics |
Miscellaneous utilities and constants associated with the
LogicalStatistic class.
LogicalSubgraph |
LogicalSubgraphFactory |
Interface for creating subgraphs.
LogisticRegressionLearner |
Fits a multinomial logistic regression model to the training data.
LogisticRegressionPredictor |
LogRows |
Log information about the input data from a flow.
LongFormatter |
A formatter representing long token values with a user-defined text format.
LongInputField |
A long valued field of a record input port.
LongOutputField |
A long valued field of a record output port.
LongParser |
A parser producing long token values from a user-defined text format.
LongRegister |
LongSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a long value.
LongToken |
LongTokenList |
LongTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing long valued data.
LongValued |
A TokenValued object containing a long value.
LongValuedIterator |
LruCache<K,V> |
Simple LRUCache implementation based off of linked hash map
MapFunctions |
Provides implementations of common Map functions.
MappedEvaluatorFactory |
A base class for factories which choose an evaluator based on a
token type.
MappedEvaluatorFactory.Mapping |
Defines a mapping between data type and an evaluator class.
MasterServer |
The class invoked as the Dataflow application master.
MatchingFunctionProvider |
MatchingTypeResolutionProvider |
Type resolution provider for matching operators.
Math |
Provides implementations of common math functions found in the Math library.
MDFAttachmentReader |
MDFDataReader |
MDFFormat |
MDFMetaDataReader |
MDFRecordReader |
MDFUtil |
MDFUtil.MDFVersion |
MemorySizes |
MergeFields |
Merges two streams of data with an equivalent number of rows into one.
MergeModel<T> |
This operator is uses to force a merge of a partitioned model into a single model.
MetadataCalculationContext |
Base interface for all contexts in which metadata is being computed.
MetadataContext |
Base interface for various contexts in which port metadata can be resolved.
MetadataHelper |
Helper class for metadata needed by association models.
MetadataUtil |
Provides utility methods for working with port metadata.
MissingValueWeights |
Corresponds to the MissingValueWeights PMML element.
MissingValueWeights.Builder |
MixedTypeMetadataHelper |
Metadata helper utility for types that support a mixture of continuous and categorical fields.
ModelClass |
Values of this enumeration correspond to the model classes of clustering
models in the PMML specification.
ModelConverter |
Interface for a model converter that converts an association model in PMML
into a target model type.
ModelExplanation |
ModelMergeHandler<T> |
A model merge handle is responsible for merging partial models into a final
ModelQuality |
ModelStorageHandler<T> |
A model storage handler is responsible for handling the persistence of
a model object.
ModificationCountProvider |
A monotonically increasing sequence of change numbers.
Module |
ModuleCategory |
ModuleCategoryImpl |
ModuleConfiguration |
ModuleConstants |
ModuleManager |
Modules |
MoneyDataUtil |
Utilities for working with money data.
MoneyFormatter |
MoneyInputField |
A money valued field of a record input port.
MoneyOutputField |
A money valued field of a record output port.
MoneyParser |
MoneyRegister |
MoneySettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a money value.
MoneyToken |
MoneyTokenList |
MoneyTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing money valued data.
MoneyValued |
A TokenValued object containing a money value.
MoneyValuedIterator |
MonitoredCallable<T> |
Extension of Callable that provides a way to get its current status prior
to execution completion.
MonitoredFuture<T> |
Extension of Future that allows the client to query
for the partial status.
MostFrequentValues |
Compute the most frequent values within the given fields.
MultipartUploadStream |
MultiSinkOperator<T extends LogicalPort> |
Mix-in interface to be implemented by some operators.
MultiSourceOperator<T extends LogicalPort> |
Mix-in interface to be implemented by some operators.
MutableBinaryTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing binary valued data.
MutableBooleanTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing boolean valued data.
MutableCharTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing character valued data.
MutableComposite |
A composite of settable scalar fields.
MutableDateTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing date valued data.
MutableDoubleTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing double valued data.
MutableDurationTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing duration valued data.
MutableFloatTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing float valued data.
MutableIntTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing integer valued data.
MutableIp4AddressTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing ip4address valued data.
MutableIp6AddressTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing ip6address valued data.
MutableLongTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing long valued data.
MutableMoneyTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing money valued data.
MutableNumericTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing numeric valued data.
MutableObjectTokenSequence<O> |
A MutableTokenSequence containing object valued data.
MutablePeriodTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing period valued data.
MutableRecordTokenSequence |
MutableScalarTokenSequence |
MutableStringTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing string valued data.
MutableTimestampTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing timestamp valued data.
MutableTimeTokenSequence |
A MutableTokenSequence containing time valued data.
MutableTokenSequence |
NaiveBayesLearner |
Operator responsible for building a Naive Bayes PMML model from input data.
NaiveBayesPredictor |
Operator responsible for predicting outcomes based on a Naive Bayes PMML model.
NameBinding<T> |
Encapsulates the association of a name and entry in a namespace.
Named |
An object which is assigned a name.
Namespace<T> |
A mapping of names to objects, similar to a Map .
NamespaceBuilder<T> |
NamespaceUtil |
A collection of utility methods for working with Namespace s.
NamingPolicy<T> |
Generates names for namespace entries when none is provided.
NearnessMeasure |
Determines how to measure how near an example and query record are
to each other.
NearnessMeasure.Measurer |
A calculator of "nearness".
NetworkConfiguration |
Specifies the network configuration to use.
NetworkConfiguration.ConnectType |
NGram |
Implementation of an n-gram.
NGramMap |
Implementation of an n-gram model.
NodeAllocationPlan |
Represents the initial node allocation.
NodeAllocationPlan.AssignmentPlan |
Assignment details for a particular node ID.
NodeAllocationState |
Reflects the current state of node allocation, which takes into account failed nodes.
NodeAllocationState.AssignmentState |
Assignment details for a particular node ID.
NodeInformation |
Contains node and host information
NodeInformationMapping |
Contains host information associated with the nodes in the cluster that the current job is running on.
NodeStatistics |
NodeStatisticsSnapshot |
NonCloseableOutputStream |
Wraps an output stream in one that does not close the underlying stream
NondeterministicFunctionEvaluator |
An executor of a function which is non-deterministic.
NormalizeDescriptor |
Describes a field to be normalized.
NormalizeValues |
Apply normalization methods to fields within an input data flow.
NullOutputStream |
OutputStream that ignores all calls.
NullToken |
An null token.
NumberFormatArgumentConverter |
Converts an argument to a NumberFormat object.
NumberOutputField |
A number valued field of a record output port.
NumberSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a number value.
NumericFormatter |
A formatter representing numeric token values with a user-defined text format.
NumericInfo |
Corresponds to the PMML NumericInfo element.
NumericInputField |
A numeric valued field of a record input port.
NumericOutputField |
A numeric valued field of a record output port.
NumericParser |
A parser producing numeric token values from a user-defined text format.
NumericRegister |
NumericSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a numeric value.
NumericToken |
NumericTokenList |
NumericTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing numeric valued data.
NumericValued |
A TokenValued object containing a numeric value.
NumericValuedIterator |
ObjectInputField<T> |
An object valued field of a record input port.
ObjectInputTyper |
A typer determining the output type of a function based
on the types of one or more Object inputs.
ObjectOutputField<T> |
An object valued field of a record output port.
ObjectRegister<O> |
ObjectSettable<T> |
A TokenSettable object containing a Java object.
ObjectToken<O> |
ObjectTokenList<O> |
ObjectTokenSequence<O> |
A TokenSequence containing object valued data.
ObjectTokenType<O> |
A description of a scalar data type for a Java class.
ObjectTyped<O> |
Identifies a class which is associated with Java object data.
ObjectValued<O> |
A TokenValued object containing a Java object.
ObjectValuedIterator<T> |
OpenComposite |
A composite operator that can be externally composed.
OpenModelSink<T> |
A model sink that can be externally composed.
OpenModelSource<T> |
A model source that can be externally composed.
OpenMultiModelSink<T> |
A model sink that can be externally composed.
OpenMultiModelSource<T> |
A model source that can be externally composed.
OpenMultiRecordSink |
A record sink that can be externally composed.
OpenMultiRecordSource |
A record source that can be externally composed.
OpenRecordSink |
A record sink that can be externally composed.
OpenRecordSource |
A record source that can be externally composed.
OperationFunction |
OperationResult |
OperatorComposable |
Base interface for any context/graph that allows operators to be added
and ports to be connected.
OperatorDescription |
Provides a summary description of an operator that can be exposed in documentation.
OperatorDescriptor |
Captures the definition of an operator.
OperatorInstance |
A runtime instance of a LogicalOperator .
OperatorProxies |
Public only as a matter of implementation; not intended for external use
OperatorProxies.CompositeOperatorProxy |
Public only as a matter of implementation; not intended for external use
OperatorProxies.DeferredCompositeOperatorProxy |
Public only as a matter of implementation; not intended for external use
OperatorProxies.ExecutableOperatorProxy |
Public only as a matter of implementation; not intended for external use
OperatorProxies.IterativeOperatorProxy |
Public only as a matter of implementation; not intended for external use
OperatorProxies.OperatorProxy |
Public only as a matter of implementation; not intended for external use
OperatorProxies.StreamingOperatorProxy |
Public only as a matter of implementation; not intended for external use
OperatorRegistrar |
An OperatorRegistrar is capable of registering a DataRush operator within a scripting environment.
OperatorRegistrationFactory |
Define the interface for a registration factory capable of registering DataRush operators
with a scripting environment.
OperatorRegistrationFactoryImpl |
Register DataRush library operators within a scripting environment.
OperatorSettings |
Advanced operator settings that can be specified for an operator.
OperatorState |
The execution state of an operator within a graph.
OperatorTestHelper |
OperatorType |
Enumeration of possible operator types
ORCFormat |
Data format implementation for ORC files.
ORCMetadata |
Meta data about an ORC data set shared externally.
OSGIOptions |
Extra options for an OSGI classpath element
OutputEventListener |
A callback interface for handling events occurring on an
output port.
OutputMode |
The SQL action to take when processing records from a flow.
OutputPortInstance |
A runtime instance of a LogicalPort .
OutputSnapshot |
A snapshot of run-time statistics for an output port.
OutputStatistics |
Live run-time statistics for an input port.
PaddedTextType |
A wrapper for creating FixedSizeTextType objects from
arbitrary TextDataType objects.
PaddedTextType.Alignment |
Field justifications for padded values.
Pair<A,B> |
ParallelismStrategy |
A ParallelismStrategy is responsible for determining parallelization of an operator based on
configured parallelism and source parallelism.
Param |
Records the name of a parameter.
ParameterGenerator |
ParquetFormat |
Data format implementation for Parquet files.
ParquetMetadata |
Meta data about a Parquet data set shared externally.
ParseErrorAction |
Describes the possible actions for handling record parsing errors.
ParseException |
Exception indicating a parsing error.
ParseExpressionException |
Exception indicating an error while parsing a value expression.
ParseTextFields |
Parses input text records according to a specified text schema.
ParsingOptions |
A collection of parameters for configuring parsing.
PartialDataDistribution |
Base class for all distributions that represent a partitioning of the data.
PartialDynamicDataDistribution |
Base class for all distributions whose partitioning parameters are based on the data.
PartialStaticDataDistribution |
Base class for all distributions whose partitioning parameters are specified statically.
PartitionHint |
Forces the input data to be partitioned into parallel streams of data
for subsequent parallel operations.
PartitioningFunction |
Represents a pluggable partitioning function; for use by operators that require custom partitioning
PartitioningFunction.Evaluator |
Computes partition assignments for each row if input
PartitioningFunctionContext |
PartitionInstanceInfo |
Information pertaining to an instance of a partitioning operation.
PartitionServer |
The class invoked as the Dataflow partition server/worker.
PassThru<T> |
A pass-thru envelope for a json-serializable object.
Password |
Wraps a string into an object that is json-serialized in
an encrypted format.
PasswordField |
A ConfigurationField that consists of secret information.
Path |
An abstract identifier for a resource.
PathDetails |
Describes a Path along with its metadata.
PathGlob |
PathParseException |
Exception thrown when the serialization of a path cannot be parsed.
Paths |
A factory for creating Path objects.
PathUtility |
Utility methods for dealing with Hadoop style paths.
PatternBasedDiscovery |
Discovers a schema for delimited text by checking values against a
mapping of regular expressions to data types.
PeriodFormatter |
PeriodInputField |
A period valued field of a record input port.
PeriodOutputField |
A period valued field of a record output port.
PeriodParser |
PeriodRegister |
PeriodSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a period value.
PeriodToken |
PeriodTokenList |
PeriodTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing period valued data.
PeriodValued |
A TokenValued object containing a Period value.
PeriodValuedIterator |
Phase |
Configures a phase of field comparisons, classifiers and a filter to use
during a matching operation.
Phase.CleanupMode |
Specifies which fields to remove from records after
completion of a phase.
PhysicalInputPort |
Marker interface for physical inputs.
PhysicalOutputPort |
Marker interface for physical outputs.
PhysicalPort |
The common interface for all ports, both input and output.
PipelineOperator<T extends LogicalPort> |
Mix-in interface to be implemented by some operators.
Various utility methods for PMML-Dom manipulation
PMMLArrays |
Utility methods for formatting and parsing PMML arrays
PMMLArrays.ArrayType |
Enumeration of PMML array types
PMMLAssociationModel |
Captures the information required to build a PMML Association model.
PMMLClusteringModel |
PMML clustering model.
PMMLClusteringModel.Builder |
PMMLExtensionConstants |
PMMLModel |
Base class for PMML object model objects.
PMMLModel.MiningFunction |
Enumeration of values for the "functionName" attribute
PMMLModelSpec |
Meta-information associated with a given PMMLModel.
PMMLNaiveBayesModel |
PMML Naive Bayes Model.
PMMLPort |
Specialization of model ports for handling PMML models.
PMMLPort.Metadata |
The port metadata associated with PMMLPorts.
PMMLRealMatrix<T extends Number> |
Object representation of a PMML matrix
PMMLRegressionClassificationModel |
Implementation of a 'maximum likelihood' classifier on top of regression models.
PMMLRegressionModel |
PMML object model for Regression models.
PMMLSummaryStatisticsModel |
PMML ModelStats.
PMMLSupportVectorMachineModel |
PMML SupportVectorMachineModel.
PMMLSupportVectorMachineModel.SvmRepresentation |
Corresponds to the PMML SVM-REPRESENTATION enumeration.
PMMLTreeModel |
PMML TreeModel.
PMMLTreeModel.MissingValueStrategy |
Corresponds to the PMML MISSING-VALUE-STRATEGY enumeration.
PMMLTreeModel.NoTrueChildStrategy |
Corresponds to the PMML NO-TRUE-CHILD-STRATEGY enumeration.
PMMLTreeModel.SplitCharacteristic |
Corresponds to the PMML splitCharacteristic enumeration.
PMMLVersion |
Encapsulates version-specific PMML information.
PolynomialKernelType |
Object representation of the PolynomialKernelType PMML element.
PortDescription |
Provides a summary description of a port that can be exposed in documentation.
PortDescriptor |
Definition of an operator port.
PortInstance |
A runtime instance of a LogicalPort .
PortMetadata |
Marker interface for metadata associated with a given port.
PortRange |
PortSetting |
A representation of the setting for a port configuration property.
PortSettings |
Utility class for working with port settings.
PortSnapshot |
A snapshot of run-time statistics for a dataflow port.
PortStatistics |
Live run-time statistics for a dataflow port.
PortStatus |
Possible states for a port.
Preconditions |
Predicate |
Parent class for all of the PMML predicates.
Predicates |
Provides implementations of common boolean and logical functions.
PredictiveModelQuality |
A PMML object model for some of the metadata about a predictive (usually regression) model's quality.
PredictiveModelQuality.Usage |
Indicator for the phases of model-building during which a dataset may be used.
ProcessAuthentication |
Utilities for acquiring process-level authentication credentials.
ProcessAuthenticationSettings |
ProcessBuilders |
Provides various utilities to use when working with the ProcessBuilder
ProcessByGroup |
Executes an application graph for each distinct key group of data within the input data set.
ProcessByGroup.Context |
Simple container for context variables passed into the JavaScript environment for each group.
ProcessSubjectProvider |
Provides a mechanism for acquiring process-level authentication
PropertiesFileUtil |
Utility methods to consume properties files.
PropertyDefinition |
A description of a comparison property.
PropertyDescription |
Provides a summary description of an operator property that can be exposed in documentation.
PropertyDescriptor |
PropertyUtil |
Utility methods for property validation.
PropertyValued |
Shared interface implemented by LogicalGraph and OpenComposite .
PruneConfiguration |
Pruning configuration for the decision tree.
PruneConfiguration.C45 |
The C4.5 pruning strategy.
PseudoDistributedExecutorService |
Subinterface of DistributedExecutorService for running in
pseudo-distributed mode.
PunctuationFilter |
PutModel<T> |
Provides a way to inject an in-memory reference to a model object into a graph.
QualityMeasure |
The quality measure to be used for evaluating splits.
Quantile<T extends Number & Comparable<? super T>> |
Corresponds to the PMML Quantile element.
RadialBasisKernelType |
Object representation of the RadialBasisKernelType PMML element.
Randomize |
Operator that re-orders its input in a random fashion.
RangeAggregator |
An aggregator for a range of values
RangePartitioningFunction |
A partitioning function that partitions records of data based on specified ranges.
Rank |
Rank data using the given rank mode.
Rank.RankMode |
Definition of the supported rank modes.
ReadableStorage |
Storage class by which a custom aggregator can load its internals.
ReadARFF |
Read files in the Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF).
ReadAvro |
Reads data previously written using Apache Avro format.
ReadDelimitedText |
Reads a text file of delimited records as record tokens.
ReadFixedText |
Reads a text file of fixed-width records as record tokens.
ReadFromJDBC |
The ReadFromJDBC operator is used to access relational database systems using a supplied JDBC driver.
ReadHBase |
Read a result set from HBase.
ReadJSON |
The ReadJSON operator reads a JSON file of key-value pairs or array of objects
as record tokens.
ReadLog |
Reads a log file as record tokens.
ReadMDF |
Reads data previously written using MDF format.
ReadMDF.ExtractionMode |
ReadORC |
ReadParquet |
Reads data previously written using Apache Parquet format by Apache Hive.
ReadPMML |
Reads a PMML model object from a file.
ReadSource |
Reads a data source as a stream of records.
ReadStagingDataset |
Reads a sequence of records previously staged to disk.
RecordCollector |
Gets the collected data.
RecordDiscriminator |
A factory for creating RecordIdentifier objects.
RecordIdentifier |
A discriminator for identifying text record types in multi-record schemas.
RecordInput |
An input port on a record data flow.
RecordInputSelector |
Provides a mechanism to wait for data on a set of RecordInput objects.
RecordLengthErrorAction |
The actions supported when a record length error occurs.
RecordMap |
Provides a mapping interface over records by defined key fields.
RecordMap.Builder |
Factory for creating record maps.
RecordMetadata |
The metadata associated with record ports.
RecordMetadataTest |
RecordMetadataTest.Expectation |
RecordMetadataTest.GenericInputDefinition |
RecordMetadataTest.InputDefinition |
RecordMetadataTest.OutputExpectation |
RecordMetadataTest.RecordInputDefinition |
RecordMetadataTest.RequiredExpectation |
RecordOutput |
An output port generating a flow of record tokens.
RecordPipelineOperator |
RecordPort |
Defines a logical record port.
RecordPortOptions |
Provides a way for iterative operators to select a filtered view of
one of their input ports.
RecordRegister |
A composite register of scalar registers; a mutable RecordValued object.
RecordRegisterStorage |
For internal purposes only.
RecordRegisterStorage.RecordInfo |
RecordRegisterStorageImpl |
For internal purposes only
RecordRegisterSupport |
For internal purposes only
RecordRegisterSupport.Access |
RecordSeparatorSettings |
A container for structural information about a file containing text records.
RecordSeparatorSpecifier |
A collection of structural information about a text file consisting of records.
RecordSettable |
RecordSettableFilter |
An adapter for converting the apparent type of a RecordSettable .
RecordSinkOperator |
RecordSourceOperator |
RecordTextSchema<T extends TextDataType> |
A schema for text files containing a single record type.
RecordToIDMap |
Provides a mapping between records and integer ids.
RecordToIDMap.ReadAccessor |
An accessor for performing lookup operations.
RecordToIDMap.WriteAccessor |
An accessor for building the map.
RecordToken |
A composite token of scalar valued tokens; an immutable RecordValued object.
RecordTokenAppendable |
A sequence of composite tokens to which additional tokens can
be appended.
RecordTokenComparator |
An object for comparing composite token values.
RecordTokenList |
RecordTokenSequence |
RecordTokenType |
A description of a record data type.
RecordTokenTypeBuilder |
An object for dynamically constructing a record type.
RecordTyped |
Identifies a class which is associated with record data.
RecordValued |
RecordValuedFilter |
An adapter for converting the apparent type of a RecordValued .
RecordValuedIterator |
Iterator over record values.
Reference<T> |
An indirect handle to an object.
ReflectionUtil |
Utility methods related to reflection.
ReflectiveFactory |
A factory creating a fixed class of function evaluator.
RegexFilter |
RegexWordBreakIterator |
A word break iterator that that allows its default behavior for the Locale
to be overridden by supplied regular expression rules.
RegexWordBreakIterator.WordPattern |
RegressionPredictor |
Apply a regression model to the input data.
RelativeErrorBound |
Checks equivalence based on the relative error between two floating point
RemapFields |
Rearranges and renames fields in a record.
RemoteCommandRunner |
Run a command on a remote server using the ssh protocol connecting to a sshd.
RemoveDuplicates |
Removes duplicate rows based on a specified set of group keys.
RemoveFields |
Removes a subset of fields from the input records.
ReplaceMissingValues |
Replace missing values in the input data according to the given replacement specifications.
ReplaceSpecification |
Specify per field or per group of fields how missing (null) values should be handled.
ReplaceSpecification.Action |
The action to take when a missing value is discovered within a field.
ResourceAllocation |
Describes the resource allocation for a job server process.
ResourceSpecifier |
Resource specifier for the resources needed by a job.
ResultMappedFactory |
A factory mapped by the expected type of the result.
ResultMerger<R> |
RetainFields |
Preserves a subset of fields from the input records.
RetargetableObject |
Represents a position in some sequence.
RhinoCompiledEngineFactory |
Script factory for the Rhino engine that uses compiled scripts for performance.
RMIException |
Exception that indicates a remote communication failure.
RMIInterruptedException |
Extension of InterruptedException thrown to indicate that the current thread was interrupted waiting for a remote
RowsToColumns |
The RowsToColumns operator is used to pivot data from a narrow representation
(rows) into a wider representation (columns).
RowTooLongException |
Exception thrown when the number of characters in the first row of a
delimited text file exceeds the maximum allowed.
Rule |
Defines a rule that can be used to determine if a particular record discriminator
value fits the definition of a record type.
RulesGenerator |
Generate association rules from frequent item sets.
RunJavaScript |
Processes rows using user-defined scripts written in JavaScript.
RunRScript |
Execute an R script in flow.
RunScript |
Processes rows using user-defined scripts.
RuntimeStatistic<T extends StatisticSupplier> |
S3CredentialsHelper |
S3FileSystemProvider |
Provides services to access the Amazon S3 web service as a file system.
SampleMode |
The mode to use when applying random sampling.
SampleRandomRows |
Apply random sampling to the input data.
ScalarFunctionDescriptor |
Describes an implementation of a function.
ScalarFunctionDescriptor.SubexpressionBound |
Specifies a bound on subexpressions used as arguments to a function.
ScalarInputField |
A field of a record input port.
ScalarOutputField |
A field of a record output port.
ScalarRegister |
ScalarSettable |
ScalarToken |
ScalarTokenAppendable |
A sequence of scalar tokens to which additional tokens can
be appended.
ScalarTokenSequence |
ScalarTokenType |
A description of a scalar data type.
ScalarTyped |
Identifies a class which is associated with scalar data.
ScalarTypes |
The scalar types exposed to scripting.
ScalarValued |
ScalarValuedFunction |
The description of a function taking record data and producing a scalar result.
ScalarValuedIterator |
Iterator over scalar values.
SchemaBuilder |
Collection of static methods helpful in building schemas (TextRecord instances).
SchemaBuilder.SchemaField |
An internal class used to transform schemas to/from JSON.
SchemaBuilder.SchemaFieldType |
Enumeration of schema field types
SchemaType |
Defines the types of schemas supported.
ScoreDistribution |
Corresponds to the PMML ScoreDistribution element.
ScriptingException |
Provides an unchecked wrapper for exceptions thrown by scripts providing such
information as line and column number of the error.
ScriptOptions |
Container for options to the script environment that are exposed to operators that are scripting aware.
ScriptOptionsAware |
Interface implemented by operators that need to be scripting aware.
ScriptOutputTypeException |
Exception that indicates a script attempted to assign a value of the wrong
type to an output field.
ScriptRunner |
General script runner.
ScriptTypeResolutionProvider |
Type registry of script module.
SeekableRecordValuedIterator |
A repositionable iterator over record values.
SeekableScalarValuedIterator |
A repositionable iterator over scalar values.
SeekableTokenValuedIterator |
SelectFields |
Preserves a subset of fields from the input records.
SemiJoin |
SemiJoinMode |
Specifies how the SemiJoin operator should behave.
Sequences |
Contains sequence functions.
SerializableModelStorageHandler<T extends Serializable> |
ModelStorageHandler that supports persistence of any Java-serializable model object.
SerializationBridge<T> |
This class serves as a wrapper for an object that is json serializable such that it can be java-serialized.
SerializationUtil |
Miscellaneous serialization utilities
ServiceLookup |
Provides a means of looking up services of a particular type.
SessionAttribute<T> |
Provides a key for a session attribute and, optionally, an initial value
SFTPFileSystemProvider |
Provides access to SFTP resources as a file system.
SigmoidKernelType |
Object representation of the SigmoidKernelType PMML element.
Similarity |
A collection of functions for computing similarity of strings.
SimpleAggregationProvider |
SimpleFunctionProvider |
SimpleModelPort<T extends Serializable> |
A simple implementation for model ports.
SimpleModelPort.Factory<T extends Serializable> |
Factory for creating SimpleModelPorts
SimplePredicate |
Corresponds to the PMML SimplePredicate element.
SimplePredicate.Operator |
Enumeration of allowed values for the "operator" attribute.
SimpleRMI |
For internal use only; public as a matter of implementation.
SimpleRMI.Registry |
Registry of services.
SimpleRMI.ServerListener |
Server-side implementations may implement this interface to receive notifications of server start and stop
SimpleSetPredicate |
Corresponds to the PMML SimpleSetPredicate element.
SimpleSetPredicate.Operator |
Enumeration of allowed values for the "booleanOperator" attribute.
SimpleTypeResolutionProvider |
SimulatePartitions |
For tests that wish to simulate a partitioned read.
SingleSplitIterator |
A split iterator containing a single split.
SinkOperator<T extends LogicalPort> |
Mix-in interface to be implemented by some operators.
SnappyCompression |
Defines support for the Snappy compression algorithm.
SocketBuilder |
Responsible for opening a socket
SocketBuilderFactory |
Sort |
Sorts the input data.
SortedGroupHandler |
Common base class for all processes that need to detect group boundaries
SortedJoinKey |
Combination of a left key, a right key, and an ordering.
SortKey |
A combination of a key field and an ordering.
SourceOperator<T extends LogicalPort> |
Mix-in interface to be implemented by some operators.
SparseBinaryTokenList |
SparseBooleanTokenList |
SparseCharTokenList |
SparseDateTokenList |
SparseDoubleTokenList |
SparseDurationTokenList |
SparseFloatTokenList |
SparseIntTokenList |
SparseIp4AddressTokenList |
SparseIp6AddressTokenList |
SparseLongTokenList |
SparseMoneyTokenList |
SparseNumericTokenList |
SparseObjectTokenList<T> |
SparsePeriodTokenList |
SparseRecordDecoder |
The matching decoder for SparseRecordEncoder .
SparseRecordRegister |
A composite register of scalar registers; a mutable RecordValued object.
SparseRecordTokenList |
SparseStringTokenList |
SparseTimestampTokenList |
SparseTimeTokenList |
SplitField |
Splits a string field into multiple fields, based on a specified pattern.
SplitInputStream |
Interface defining an input data stream that works within the boundaries
of a defined split.
SplitInputStreamImpl |
A wrapper for input streams providing windowing behavior.
SplitIterator |
A forward-only iterator over data splits with
associated locality information.
SplitOptions |
Settings which control the generation of splits
on files.
SplitParsingContext |
An object representing the context of a data split parsing operation.
SplitParsingException |
Indicates a parsing error on a data split.
SplitReader |
A character based reader for splits.
SplittableCompressedFileSplit |
Represents a file split for a compression format that supports splitting.
SQLWorkerUtil |
StagedSource<F extends LogicalPort> |
A handle by which one can access the staged data associated with
an iterative port.
StagedSourceOptions |
StatisticDefinition<T extends StatisticSupplier> |
Provides metadata for a statistic including including display name controls how the statistic
is to be aggregated across partitions.
StatisticFormats |
Utilities for formatting runtime statistics for presentation in the UI.
Statistics |
Provides implementations of common statistical functions.
StatisticsMap |
StatisticsRegistry |
For advanced use only; operator authors should not need to access this class.
StatisticState |
StatisticSupplier |
Abstract supplier of a runtime statistic.
StatisticSuppliers |
StatisticSupplierTestHelper |
StatsFunctions |
Useful statistics related functions.
StatsFunctions.NormalizeMethod |
Supported methods of value normalization.
Stemmer |
Interface for a stemmer.
StemmerType |
Enumeration of the possible snowball stemmer algorithms.
SteppableRecordValued |
StorageBucket |
StorageBucketId |
A storage bucket represents one unit of work to be exchanged by nodes
in the cluster.
StorageManager |
A manager of intermediate storage.
StorageManagerProvider |
StorageManagers |
Utilities for creating storage managers
StorageManagerSpecifier |
StoragePlanner |
StreamingMetadataContext |
StreamingOperator |
Base class for LogicalOperators that are a potentially streaming operation.
StrictMode |
Defines the strictness mode used when evaluating JavaScript source.
StringEncodings |
A collection of functions for phonetic encoding of string values.
StringFormatter |
Converts a string token value to a string.
StringInputField |
A string valued field of a record input port.
StringOutputField |
A string valued field of a record output port.
StringParser |
Converts a string to a string token value.
StringRegister |
Strings |
Provides implementations of common string functions.
Strings.NullConcatenation |
Specifies behavior of null values for string concatenation.
StringSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a string value.
StringToken |
StringTokenList |
StringTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing string valued data.
StringUtil |
Utility methods for operating on strings.
StringValued |
A TokenValued object containing a string value.
StringValuedIterator |
StructuredSchemaReader |
Parser for text file schemas written in Pervasive DataIntegrator structured schema
(.schema) format.
SummaryStatistics |
Discovers various metrics of an input dataset, based on the configured
detail level.
SumOfSquares |
Compute the sum of squares for the given fields of the input data.
SupportedLogType |
Enumerated type that provides factory constructors for the supported log formats.
SupportVectorMachine |
Object representation of the SupportVectorMachine PMML element.
SVMPredictor |
Operator responsible for classification based on a SVM PMML model.
SVMPredictorType |
Base class of SVM types associated with predicting a target variable.
SVMType |
Base class the represents the type of SVM model to build.
SVMTypeCSvc |
Corresponds to the C-SVC SVM model type.
SVMTypeOneClass |
Corresponds to a one-class SVM model type.
SyslogLogFormat |
Describes the format of a syslog log file.
TargetCounts |
Public only as a matter of implementation; clients should not use this class.
TargetStatistics |
PMML extension used to support numerical data.
TestHelper |
A provider of useful services for unit tests.
TextContainer |
A tree node that can hold information on text elements.
TextConversionContext |
Contextual information needed by TokenParser 's and TokenFormatter 's.
TextConversionDefaults |
Describes behaviors used during conversion of token
values to and from text.
TextDataType |
A mapping between a scalar token type and text representations
of values of that type.
TextElement |
Definition of a text element.
TextElementFilter |
TextElementType |
Enumeration of the possible text and character groupings.
TextField |
A ConfigurationField that consists of clear text information.
TextField<T extends TextDataType> |
The text analog of Field .
TextFilter |
Interface for a text filter usable by the FilterText operator.
TextFrequencyFilter |
Filters a frequency map field.
TextIp4Formatter |
A formatter representing ip4address token values as text IPv4 strings.
TextIp4Parser |
A parser producing ip4address token values from text IPv4 strings.
TextIp6Formatter |
A formatter representing ip6address token values as text IPv6 strings.
TextIp6Parser |
A parser producing ip6address token values from text IPv6 strings.
TextNode |
Interface for a node in a TextContainer tree.
TextRecord |
A definition of a variable-width record type in a text file.
TextRecordDiscoverer |
A generator of text record schemas.
TextSchema |
A definition of the record schema of a text file.
TextStemmer |
Stems a TokenizedText field.
TextTokenizer |
Tokenizes a string field as a TokenizedText object.
TextTokenUtil |
Utility methods for operating on TextContainer objects.
TextTypes |
Common external text data type definitions.
TextTypes.StringConversion |
Enumerates the possible conversions for string-valued text types.
TimeFormatter |
A formatter representing time token values with a user-defined text format.
TimeInputField |
A time valued field of a record input port.
TimeOfDay |
A specific moment of time on a 24-hour clock.
Timeout |
A representation of a point-in-time when a timeout period expires.
TimeOutputField |
A time valued field of a record output port.
TimeParser |
A parser producing time token values from a user-defined text format.
Timer |
Duration timer for elapsed wall-clock time.
TimeRegister |
TimeSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a time value.
TimestampDataUtil |
TimestampFormatter |
A formatter representing timestamp token values with a user-defined text format.
TimestampInputField |
A timestamp valued field of a record input port.
TimestampOutputField |
A timestamp valued field of a record output port.
TimestampParser |
A parser producing timestamp token values from a user-defined text format.
TimestampRegister |
TimestampSettable |
A TokenSettable object containing a timestamp value.
TimestampToken |
TimestampTokenConverter |
TimestampTokenList |
TimestampTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing timestamp valued data.
TimestampValued |
A TokenValued object containing a timestamp value.
TimestampValuedIterator |
TimeToken |
TimeTokenList |
TimeTokenSequence |
A TokenSequence containing time valued data.
TimeValued |
A TokenValued object containing a time value.
TimeValuedIterator |
TimeZoneArgumentConverter |
Converts an argument to a TimeZone object.
TokenAppendable |
A sequence of data tokens to which additional tokens can be appended.
TokenComparator |
An object for comparing tokens of compatible types.
TokenComparators |
TokenConverter |
An object capable of converting tokens into other formats.
TokenConverters |
TokenDecoder |
Converts binary encodings of tokens into token values.
TokenEncoder |
Converts token values into a binary encoding.
TokenEncodings |
A factory for obtaining standard encoders/decoders for token values.
TokenFormatter |
Converts token values into text values.
TokenizedParagraph |
A TextContainer that can store a tokenized paragraph.
TokenizedSentence |
A TextContainer that can store a tokenized sentence.
TokenizedText |
A TextContainer that can store a tokenized document.
TokenizedWord |
A TextContainer that can store a tokenized word.
TokenOrder |
An ordering of token values.
TokenParser |
Converts text values into token values.
TokenPusher |
An object capable of transferring a token from a random-access
source to a target.
TokenRegisters |
TokenSequence |
A random-access, read-only view of a sequence of data tokens of homogeneous type.
TokenSequences |
Utilities for working with arrays of tokens.
TokenSettable |
An object holding a nullable data value which is mutable.
TokenSorter |
An object capable of producing a sort order permutation of a
TokenSequence .
TokenType |
A description of the properties of a token data type.
TokenTypeConstant |
A collection of constant descriptors and utilities for the supported token
TokenTyped |
Identifies a class which handles data tokens.
TokenTypeDispatcher |
An object performing (potentially) different processing
based on token type.
TokenUtils |
Utilities for working with token values.
TokenValued |
An representation of a nullable data value.
TokenValuedIterator |
Iterator over token values.
TokenValueExtractor |
Transform |
Provides a transformation from a source data type to a target data type.
Transforms |
Provides a set of transforms and a means to find the wanted one.
Transforms.BooleanToBoolean |
Transforms.DoubleToBigDecimal |
Transforms.DoubleToDouble |
Transforms.DoubleToFloatingPointTolerance |
Transforms.DoubleToInt |
Transforms.DoubleToLong |
Transforms.IntegerToDouble |
Transforms.IntegerToInt |
Transforms.IntegerToLong |
Transforms.ObjectToJoinKey |
Transforms.ObjectToSortKey |
Transforms.StringToEnum |
Transforms.StringToFile |
Transforms.TextRecordToRecordTokenType |
TreeNode |
Corresponds to the PMML Node element.
TruthValues |
A mapping between boolean values and strings.
TypeDispatchedConstructor<T> |
A base class for type-driven object factories.
TypeNotSupportedException |
Unchecked exception thrown to indicate a type is not valid in a given
TypePattern |
Describes a pattern which identifies a text data type.
TypeResolutionManager |
TypeResolutionProvider |
A provider of registered classes.
TypesNotComparableException |
Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to compare two typed
objects of incompatible types.
TypeUtil |
Various utilities for manipulating token types.
TypeUtils |
UlpDistanceBound |
Checks equivalence based on the distance between two
floating point numbers in units of least precision (ULP).
UncompressedData |
Defines support for uncompressed data.
UnionAll |
Provides a union of two data sources.
UnionAll.UnionMode |
UnitOfMeasure |
Optionally indicates a unit of measure of a statistic.
UnivariateStats |
Object representation of the PMML UnivariateStats element.
UnixStyleGlobbing |
Provides UNIX-style globbing over paths.
UnixStyleGlobbing.GlobDefinition |
Provides information for performing globbing.
UnreadableSourceAction |
Specifies the behavior for handling data sources which are unreadable.
UnsafeFunction1<P,R,E extends Throwable> |
UnspecifiedPartialDistribution |
The default data distribution; if unspecified an operator will receive data in the same
distribution as the upstream operator.
UnsupportedPMMLException |
Thrown to indicate that a PMML element was encountered that is not currently supported
by our predictor.
UpdateInJDBC |
This operator updates the target table in a database by applying SQL update
URLFileSystemProvider |
Provides generic access to URL resources.
URLs |
A collection of utility methods for working with URLs.
VariableExpander |
Variable expander that knows how to expand simple macro expressions of
the form "${variableName}".
VectorDictionary |
Object representation of the VectorDictionary PMML element.
VectorDirectWorkerFactory |
Internal factory class for composing direct load operations on Vector.
Vectorwise |
Helper class that provides information about the Vectorwise installation and various utilities.
VectorwiseConstants |
Version |
Describes the version of the DataRush installation.
VirtualNodeID |
Identifies a "virtual node" in a cluster.
VirtualNodeType |
Enumeration of non-parallel locations
VotingClassification |
VW5Validator |
VwloadCharsetUtil |
WavgFunctionInvoker |
A specialized function invoker for wavg.
WebApplicationConfig |
Configuration to a web application.
WebApplicationServer |
A handle that provides lifecycle methods to a web application server.
WebApplicationServerEvent |
Event information.
WebApplicationServerListener |
A listener to various server events.
WebApplicationServerProvider |
A provider for an embedded web application server.
WebApplicationServers |
WidestInputTyper |
A typer determining the output type of a function based
on the types of one or more inputs.
WordFilter |
WordMap |
Implementation of a word frequency model.
WorkerRole |
WriteableStorage |
Storage class by which a custom aggregator can storage its internals.
WriteARFF |
Write files using the Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF).
WriteAvro |
WriteDelimitedText |
Writes a stream of records as delimited text.
WriteFixedText |
Writes a record dataflow as a text file of fixed-width records.
WriteHBase |
Write a result set to HBase.
WriteMode |
Enumerates the possible file dispositions for writing.
WriteORC |
Write data in the Apache Hive ORC format.
WritePMML |
Write a PMML object representation to a file at the given path.
WriteSink |
Writes a stream of records to a data sink.
WriteStagingDataset |
Writes a sequence of records to disk in an internal format
for staged data.
WriteToJDBC |
In its simplest form, writes records from an input port to a JDBC target
table using insert statements.
XMLUtil |
Utility methods for the manipulation of XML documents and elements.
YarnAppMasterArgs |
A container of objects passed to the application master as arguments.
YarnClusterExecutor |
The executor responsible for starting Dataflow worker containers within YARN.
YarnClusterJobExecutor |
A job executor is created for each new job.
YarnClusterProvider |
Implementation of the ClusterProvider
YarnShimFactory |
YarnWorkerArgs |
Container of arguments passed to each partition worker.